Problems with food

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Louis' POV
It's evening and we haven't eat yet.
Her stomach is growling 'OMG this is so shaming' she said blushing a bit, she is adorable 'What? That you have a normal body and that it needs to have food to go on? I don't think that's shaming' I said sassy.
'Normal body nah' she mumbled , I heared it but decide to ignore it.
'You want to get some food?' I asked 'Uhm yes I guess' She said.

We drive around until I see the Mc Donald's my stomach growls agressive.
'Should do Mc Donald's ?' I asked her 'You can take it i'll skip' she said , I look at her confused 'Why you want to skip?' I asked worried , she looks at her feet.
'I don't wanna get fat' she mumbled , I park the car. 'You fat? Don't let me laugh , you aren't even close' I said trying to make her look at me.
'I am but you can go get some for yourself' She said louder , I can't believe it how can she say that about herself. I drive to the drive through I tell my order '1 Chicken nuggets menu medium with a cola light and a McWrap menu with a ice tea' I ordered Audrey hits my arm 'You' she said fake angry.
'You can drive further to the next window' the voice spoke.
I payed the food and drive further to park , when we find a place I start my speech 'If you want or not you are gonna eat that menu , you are crazy if you think you are fat! You are skinny not fat , you gonna enjoy the menu like i'm gonna do and there's not discussion time so eat it' I said 'End speech' I added.
'No you can't make me eat it' she said shaking her head to the McWrap in the front of her 'I can and if you don't eat it I make you eat it' I said stern. 'Pff you don't even dare' She said , challenge begin I take the McWrap from her lap and rib a piece of it off and climb over the poker, I sit on her lap and push her against the window , I put the piece in her mouth and make her jaws move.
'Who said I coulden't make you eat it?' She slaps my cheek , I rub my hand over my cheek. 'Thank you' I said , she turns her back to me , she drinks her Ice Tea and that's it.
'I know you didn't like it but I want you to see that you just need to eat it, it makes me sad to see girls who skip food to get skinnier why so desperate? You perfect the way you are okay' I said a sadly , she takes the McWrap out my hands takes a bite 'Happy now?' She asked eating that piece.
I smile widely 'Yes actually I am' I said she smiles at me back , I eat my food before it gets cold but it's already half cold half warm. I secretly look at her in the corner of my eye she looks at the food like it's something that can murder you. I lump is forming in my throat I can't eat if she can't either.
'If you don't eat than me neither' I said throwing my food back in the paper bag.
'No you are gonna eat it' she said , I shake me head.
'You push me to the fucking edge' she said angrily , I can't help but laugh she looks at me only angrier 'You better don't laugh about me Dick!' She said.
My smile fades away 'If had eat in the beginning this woulden't happen' I said 'Are you serious!' She yells furious.
'Yes! Jesus you are stubborn' I yelled back angry , we both turn our backs to each other.
I already feel guilty , if I didn't laughed she would never get so angry.
She stares to the other cars who are parked before I know I lean forward and kiss her.
She was surprised by my sudden move but she kisses me back , the best kiss I ever had. Our lips move slowly.
I push back , she turns bright red.
'Eat your food bastard' she said , I chuckle 'Only if you do to babe' I said.
She takes the wrap in her hands and start eating and I do the same.
After we finished I brought her back home.
'I enjoyed today Lou' She said with a sweet smile , her dimples come out , she's just adorable.
'I enjoyed too , before you go let's cuddle' I said , we hug each other tight.
She is a good cuddler she loves tight cuddles.
'Bye Lou' she whispered , I wait with driving away until she inside and than I drive away.

I coulden't find a good gif or photo
So my apologize for that ;)
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