Pay back

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Zayn's POV
To be honest Louis looked furious at us and he runnned upstaires what is a sign that we have to go away.
I'm feeling not pretty well Louis' hit in my face hurted me a lot , Niall the loser still looks at me like he wants to kill me.
Liam on the other hand is pretty flatterd by what the girl said if I can read of his face. 'Zayn' Harry said randomly I look at him he is frowning.
'Come with us to Nialls home we can't let your cheek bleed until you have no blood left over' Did I heared that right I look at him confused after all I did he is gonna help me.
'What kind of mindfuck is this' I mumble 'It called kindness' Niall coughs 'For me you could just stay laying' he said with a cough again I shot him a mean glance.
Liam still holds Niall back from me , Harry helps me with standing up and we walk out.
When we are at Niall's place the front door is open 'I thought I locked it' Niall said confused and still in Liam's arms we walk futher in and there is the real mind fuck.
The once nice couch is laying upside down , on the once nice baby blue coloured wall his writting "missed us leprachaun?" everywhere are papers the tv is broken.
Everything is a mess and on the only table who is still on his normal way lays a green paper.
I shot my head in Niall's direction.
His eyes scan everything is breathing is still normal , i'm not the only one who is freaked out by this mess, Harry feels the same way.
'The hell is this?' He asked , than all of a sudden I can hear sobs and the sound of bad breathing.
Liam letted go Niall and now he is sitting on the floor covering his eyes breathing heavy.
'Niall boy , who done this ? Do you know them?' I ask warm hearted and guilty.
'They......n-never...stop...never' he said inbetween sobs , my heart beats a way to fast 'who is they Niall?' Harry asked well kneeling down to try to calm Niall.
Nialls sobbing and breathing is getting only worse , Harry is pulling Nialls hands from his face in order to let him breath better , no succes.
Seeing Niall in so much pain is hurting my heart to be honest , It gives me chest pains never thought that would happen.
Liam is completely in shock and tries to keep himself from trembling heavily , Harry on the otherhand is already crying out in panic.
We all losed our minds we can't focus anymore 'Niall breath normal please' it comes out more like begging than I thought it would come out.
Harry is shaking him on his shoulders 'Listen to us Niall!' He yells.

Niall's POV
They never stop doing it never , they are gonna judge me until i'm death they will following my footsteps untill i'm death , nowhere I can hide from them they will always find me.
I hyperventilate and can't help it.
The green paper on the only table who is standing still good is pinching my eye out , I need to read it.
I caught myself standing up and walking to the paper still sobbing and crying.

Dear ugly , fat , worthless piece of shit,
This is a note from us , Max Jacob and Drake missed us? still not good at defending yourself , who's that gaylord of a boy who's a lot with you? You know we would like to have a "talk" with him but you know if you give us some bucks we will leave him alone you can use leprachaun whatever you want
Lots of love your old friends

I completely stopped breathing , crying and sobbing everything around me felt like it dissapeared only me and Max,Jacob and Drake.
I can't win , they can't hurt Harry they want money good! They have to leave me alone and Harry.
'Niall! Everything is gonna be fine' A voice whispered in my ear , it's Harry's voice making me cry even harder , I feel how he lift me up in his arm and put me on the couch who is now I guess on his paws again.
'Niall, tell us what makes you cry so hard' Liams voice comforted me , still I can't bring out any words , I try to stop with crying and sobbing.
I breath calm in and out and repeat that a lot of time until I can breath normal again. 'They Liam you know who' I said looking up in his also red eyes , he looks at me confused but than he realized it his I eyebrows are knitted together and his once calm behavior changed in a wild aggressive one.
'Again they do these things fuck it!' Liam said kicking to a lamp.
'Who!' Zayn and Harry screamed I look at Liam with a warned face that he better don't tell or i'll kill him , Liam shakes his head 'Once you have to tell someone else remember Niall?' He said 'I know but not yet and I will delay it as long I can' I said Liam shuts his hand on the tv 'God dammit Niall when you grow up!' He yelled , his eyes full of anger chills run down my spine , I stand up and run upstaires , I hear footsteps following me I turn around.
Harry didn't saw that coming 'Don't follow me you won't understand a shit!' I screamed his eyes looked shocked by my sudden change , I take him by his shirt 'Don't' I said furious I push him backwards and go to the bathroom and lock it.
The knocks on the door are irritating me 'Leave me alone!' I scream 'Don't do things you are gonna regret' Harry screamed I think he is pulled away by the boys cuz I don't hear anything in my whole house it's empty.
I open some cabinets , drawers and there they are my shiny sharp friends.
I look at my old cuts , where do I find the guts to do it? Pain change people.
I push the razors in my skin what colored my skin a deep red colour my jeans are ruined not that it makes sense to me or something.
My wrists burn from the sharp lines I made , they drive me insane and I can't do a shit against it.
My phone vibrates , text message.

Unknown: If the Nile ever dries up I know how we can get our water.
Cute that others are so worried , we want the money in a quarter or we hurt your curled gaylord :D

I stare at the screen , I unlock the bathroom and go to my room.
I change my clothes and clean my wounds with water , I wear a shirt with long sleeves to cover them.
'For our safety Haz' I whispered , I make my way downstaires and the fat letters pinching my eyes out "Missed us leprechaun?".
My heart beat is getting faster and faster if I walk through more alleys.
I've got a text where in stands where I need to come.
Again a dark alley it's already 20:00 , It's never save to walk around at that time the sound of clapping is filling my ears I shot my eyes in the direction and see Jacob standing there.
My heart pomps away to fast , sweat is starting to get on my head , the fear of getting hurt is getting bigger and bigger.
'Cute , cute that you come to save your gay friend from us' he said , I don't like it that he calls Harry gay no one is as straight as Harry. 'Give us the money Horan' Max said from behind , chills are rolling over my full body. 'How much?' I ask on the strongest voice I can so more like begging. '£5,000' He said my mouth dropped to the floor.
'You are kidding I hope' I said shocked 'We are not and you better give it now and otherwise get it' Drake said pushing me a bit forward.
'I-i don't have the m-m-money' I said scared for what will happen Jacob walks close to me and punch me in the stomach I whine.
'Don't lie Horan!' He yelled in my ear , I cough 'I don't lie' again I get punched in the stomach again I fall on the ground clutching my stomach squint my eyes shut. 'Leave me alone' I said hard , Max takes me by my collar making me look straight in his almost black eyes 'Than we get that friend of yours, we will not rest until we screwed your life so much that you will jump for the next train' he told me , he hits me again , followed by thousands of kicks.
I need to keep myself of screaming out in pain , one of the kicks hit my ribs leaving a unbearable pain, I scream it out.
Drake picks me up by my wrist and throws me to the wall my head feels light and my body is numb and the blood his running over my head.
The sound of a camera fill my ears , they are not human I swear.
'Die! No one will miss you!' Drake screamed making me sob. It start raining so cliché.
In a little time are my clothes wet and my hair stuck on my forehead.

Audrey's POV
I watched him for awhile now and it's breaking my heart in thousands of pieces he get kicked ,punched , throwed , slapped and scolded.
'Now he lays there on the ground getting cold and sick' I whisper to myself 'just go to him' I said to myself.
I walk slowly to him and sit next to him in the rain 'Niall' I said softly he opens his beautiful blue eyes.
'Sorry' he said I cuddle him tight 'You can't do anything against them' I said his get big like he realizes something 'Go to Harry he is in danger run!!' He yells my heart sinks in my stomach what do I need to do.

My poor Niall heart :(((
Audrey pops up everwhere, please let me know what you think of the story until now <3
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