A kisstake?

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Liam's POV
The time I spended with Zayn has been amazing, we have a lot in common.
It's pretty hard to go outside with Zayn I seem to not exsist if I walk next to him , all eyes are on Zayn boys and girls flirt with him , sometimes it really irritates me.
'Li what are ya thinking 'bout ?' Zayn asked curious 'You' I said his smiles 'in a good way or a bad one?' He asked with a chuckle , honestly Zayn is handsome very handsome and I understand people would stare at him he's just not real. 'Jealous way' I answered he laughs 'About what are you jealous' it's more a mean chuckle 'Well , you are very handsome you know lotsofgirlslikeyouyouarethatkindofgayeveryonewantstobefriendswith' The last thing I rambled , he looks at me with a tilted head 'Whut?' I clear my throat 'You know, lots of girls like you you are that kind of guy everyone wants to be friends with and yes that makes me a bit jealous' I said , he smiles at me and shakes his head 'Are you sure you are not talking about yourself' he said patting my shoulder.

'No you see how people stare at you , like you are from a different planet called to-hot- for-words' I said well pouting a bit , at first Zayn doesn't see that I actually take it that serious but than he realise it 'Li don't say that, they look at me because I look like trouble and I know where i'm talking about cuz someone told me' He explained 'Sure' I sighed.

He graps my hands to make me look in his beautiful brown puppy eyes 'You are amazing Liam and the fact you feel jealous of me makes me want to laugh cuz you are to good for me , i've act like a complete asshole to Niall your fucking bestfriend and you still my friend that's just special you stay by my side no matter how stupid or mean I am' He said , i'm completely blowin' away by it.
Zayn smiles weakly 'I made big mistakes in the past and lost lots of friends so for me this is the best thing ever having you by side when I want to your my best friend' his speech make me feel sorry for him , he regret things he did in the past.
'Ey I always keep being your friend i'm not leaving you all alone I know how that feels' I said rubbing his back 'I done drugs in the past and I wish I didn't , I still smoke and I want to stop but I have to much stress going on to stop it' he said with a trembling voice.
'It's okay Zayn we all make mistakes , i've been bullied it screwed me for real but I took box lessons , if I could beat my teacher I could beat them to and see me know i'm completely fine' I said , a smile comes on his face 'Your the best Li' He said pulling me in a bro hug.
I smile through the hug , Zayn is adorable he is so bad and sweet to at the same time he is a badboy with a soft inside.
He pulls away and bites his lip , his eyes scan me 'I can't resist you anymore' Zayn said pushing his lips against mine , they move slowly on mine , i'm not gay I have a girlfriend why are we kissing god shit. I pull myself back 'I have a girlfriend Zayn' I said in shock his eyes go to the ground 'Sorry' he runs away , I kick to the couch 'Jesus' I said angry.

Zayn's POV
The kiss is amazing Liam's lips are better than I ever expected. Liam looks at me in shock my smile fates away 'I have a girlfriend Zayn' Liam said , i'm shocked. Why is liam straight the way he talked about me I thought he was also gay , i'm actually bi.
I let my eyes fall to the ground to not show the tears in my eyes 'Sorry' I said and runned out.
How could I be this dumb?! Of course he didn't fell the same way, he has a girlfriend this shit always happen to me.
I need Harry and Louis before I make a wrong decision , I take a cigaret out of the packet in my car.
'So dumb' I said , slowly i'm driving away from Wolverhampton.
I miss Bradford , I miss my sisters , I miss my mom and dad , I miss everything.
A tear rolls down my cheek , the clouds are dark grey it's gonna rain in some minutes I guess.

After a long drive i'm back , back in this damn village. I drag myself forward to Harry's place and push the doorbel he opens the door 'Zayn? Are you that' he asked sleepy 'Yes sorry that I had to wake up but I need some help' He smiles weakly 'Come in' he said.
'Sorry if you have to tell everything like five times' he said.
'I made this huge mistake and I'm scared I will lose him as a friend' I said , Harry rubs his eyes 'What happend Zayn?' He asked more awake 'I kissed Liam' I said fast Harry's eyes went big 'Wait what did you said?' He asked calm 'I kissed Liam' I said more sad.
'Are you gay?' He asked 'I think so' I said tears are filling my eyes 'Don't feel shamed , your not the only one' He said with a sigh I look up 'You being gay? c'mon you like girls to much to be gay' I said 'I have feelings for a guy' he said.
'As long it isn't Liam it's okay' I said he chuckles 'I promise it isn't Liam' I smile bright.
'But what do I need to do Liam told me that he has a girlfriend' I said sadly 'Than we have one thing to do' Harry said 'what?' I asked 'Check Liams Twitter , Facebook and Instagram to see how she looks' He said with a smirk , I laugh 'Lets do it then' I said with a grin.

We coulden't find her on Facebook , I'm searching in the list of people he follows to find her , He has pictures with girls but we don't know if one of them is his girlfriend.
'Bingo! I find her' Harry said I throw my phone away and jump next to Harry.
A picture of a girl with dark brown hair and brown eyes, she's gorgeous to be honest 'Sophia Smith' I read out at loud 'Google her Haz' I said he opens a new tab and typ her name 'She's a model and 26 years old she's to old for him he is fucking 21 jesus' I said jealous.
'Zaynie is jealous' Harry said in a teasing way 'Do find it crazy she's hot and older than me , I hate it that he is straight' I said like a 8 year old who can't have that cool spider man thingy 'I know wanna stay here?' Harry asked 'If you don't mind' I said.

I never told you but my goal is to get 50 chapters but I don't know how far i'm gonna come but I will try my best.
comment and vote please
For if I don't update anymore happy new year!
Xxx Me

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