
32 4 14

Harry's POV
When I woke up , there's no one it disappointed me to be honest.
I try to stand up but my whole body doesn't want to the pain is to worst.
Hot tears roll once again over my cheeks , fucked up Shane with fucked up friends. The fact that no one came over the look if i'm okay pisses me off , I mean I didn't pick up my phone I guess something is wrong then or do I overreact. I feel that i'm getting depressed again , I see in the corner of my eye a knife shine in the light. I breathe fast in and out 'Control yourself Harry' I keep telling myself feeling how my hands want to feel the cold steel. My breathing is getting faster is this a panic attack or something? I close my eyes all kind of feeling wash over my body , my anger is changed in fear , the pain is replaced by a numb feeling. My head tells me to take that knife and put it against my skin my heart says no. Before I know my hand slips to the knife and I have it in my hands.
'Do it , you've got nothing to lose' One side of me said 'DONT DO IT YOU LOSE YOUR 2 MONTHS CLEAN RECORD' The other side of me said.
I clinch my hand over my head 'STOP' I yelled out loud the tears start to block my view. My laying body starts to shake , I start to develop panic attacks.
I squeeze my eyes shut , try to block the outside world out.
'Harry!' Someone screams , the persons cold hands touch my arms.
'Harry what happend ? Who done this? You need to go to the hospital and fast' Zayn it's Zayn not even Niall.
'I-I'm scared Zayn' I stuttert , I slowly open my eyes , Zayn warm brown eyes look at me worried. 'for what Harry?' He asked still in the same tone.
'F-f-for m-myself' I said choking in the words , tears stream down my cheeks like the Niagara waterfall.
'C'mon I bring you to the hospital' Zayn said lifting me up , he walks fast to his car and open it ( I have no idea how he did but he managend to open it ).

Zayn's POV
The doctors are helping him , he had a really bad bruised eye , his shirt was ripped and I could see all those nasty bruises on his abs and chest.
Who done this is really similiar with karate I guess. 'Mr Malik you can come inside' The doctor said I stand up and walk in. Harry lays with half open eyes on the hospital bed. 'How ya now feeling mate' I asked taking place next to his bed.
'Still worst' He said well whining.
'Who done this Harry?' I asked , he shakes his head 'No' He said.
'What no?' I said a bit out of temper he shrieks 'Sorry didn't meant to say it so angry' I said in apolognize.
'I'm not gonna tell you who did' he said softly , I get anxious now 'Did Niall done this to you?' I asked after awhile thinking.
'Harry babe' Niall comes running in , he wants to hug Harry but I stop him.
'Did you touch Harry?' I asked intimidaiting Niall looks at me with big eyes 'No of course not! You know Harry would win if we ever would fysical fight' He said , I let him hug Harry but keep a eye on him.
'Don't scare me like that Princess' Niall said I start laughing 'Princess?' Niall nods Harry turns red in embarresment.
Louis comes also inside with Audrey hand in hand. 'Harry! We are so sorry , why did we walked past after beating up those dickheads' Harry's eyes grow wide 'Was it a group of guys?' Harry asked shocked 'Yes and some black haired guy felt really cool' Louis said , Harry's eyes start to water once again.
'Harry are those the guys who have beat you up' he nods and start sobbing Niall and I start hugging him.
'They can't touch my Harry' Niall said angrily , I never saw him actually this angry even though I pushed him pretty far a long time ago. Louis get Niall to sit down again but his eyes still shut bullets. 'We gonna get them don't worry' I said rubbing Harry's knee.

Harry's POV
After they all left , I had to explain how or why it happend I decided to tell them everything. 'You ever thought about telling your boyfriend?' The nurse asked 'No' I said 'Why? It isn't a shame that you are getting bullied' She said 'I disagree, it is a shame because I can't even stop it , with violence or without it won't work out' I said helpless.
'You don't know until you try' the nurse said , I roll my eyes 'I will think about it' I said I actually already know the answer but whatever.
'When can I go home?' I asked , she looks at her papers for a moment 'I'm gonna ask the doctor i'll be back in a minute' she said walking out of the room.
Liam walks the room in 'You have to help me' he said , I point at the chair , he sits down.
'Tell me' I said 'I have these strong feelings for Zayn but he is back with his ex , but he admitted that he likes me so why is he fucking back with his ex?' Liam sounds very frustrated 'Zayn is making you jealous that's a kind of Zayns move he's like "If I can't have him at the beginning and he wants me at the end then I gonna play hard to get" he's pretty good in it' I said , Liam looks pissed off 'Jerk' Liam said.
'He can't resist you sooner or later he comes back on his knees Li believe me' I said he rolls his eyes 'Sure i'm gonna hit the gym' he said standing up , I sigh I feel better with people around me.
'Okay bye' I said upset.
I bite my lip , i'm feeling so alone.
NiallNiallNiallNaill why didn't he stay? Is he already done with me? I would understand though.
I'm a worthless piece of shit , my phone lays on my bed and I see a message on the screen.

Hazza and you gonna come over?
I saw you did read it so why no answer :(
X Gemma

I replay fast: Sorry Gem! I get attacked :(( by them :(((
I'm in the hospital but I can go soon I will let you know when I come over I promise that it will be soon :)
X Harry

She's online and replies to me

Was it that worst? Jeez you better visit fast! Tell the doctors to hurry up I want to see what they did to you :(
Love you so much little brother

I smile at the message she's always nice to me.

Love you so much too Sistahh xxxx


This is the update , i'm so upset and ill
Comment and vote please
I'm already so close to 50 chapters i'm proud but to be honest I don't have any idea how to end the story lmao
X Me

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