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Audrey's POV
'If I only knew' Harry said sad.
He has all the right to be sad he is beaten up by some boys , I guess he knew them from before.
I miss Louis even though we never spoke to each other much but I miss his stupid phone call , his sassyness just every little single thing from him.
'I miss Louis' Niall looks up , owh fuck did I just said that out loud.
'Why don't you call him to come over, i'm sure he misses you to he can't talk about something else believe me' Harry said. He is lying to you just to make you happy with nothing , that's what they all do remember.
'I know you won't believe it , I just can see it by that face of yours but it's true what Harry said in the hospital he was all smiley in his phone and laughing , he is head over heals about you' Niall said, I smiled a bit 'did he really?' I asked once again 'Yes i'm sure' they both said at the same time.
'I miss him but I pushed him away by some stupid accident' I said guilty 'he will forgive you , I never saw him so intrested in a girl' Harry said with wiggley eyebrows, I roll my eyes.
'The sass is real' Niall said well laughing 'Where are you waiting for? call him' Harry said I look at him with a death glance 'I can't just call him that's stupid he hates me and he has all the rights....I hate myself too' that last thing I whispered they don't have to know.
'You don't need to hate yourself' Niall said , I feel a speech coming up 'You can't cuz we all make mistakes we all will never be completely happy with ourselves but you have to live with yourself for the rest of your life, so make it yourself easier' Niall said.
I try to cover up the feelings of hate and loneliness but it's getting pretty hard.
'If you don't call him , than I will' Harry said slipping his phone out his pocket.
'Noh happening!' I said taking the phone out his hands , he sighs 'I didn't want to do it this way' Harry said with a smirk , I roll my eyes. He comes closer and I'm scared for what he is gonna do and than he starts tickling me I can't stop laughing , Niall joins in too.
My stomach starts hurting how longer they continue with tickling. All of a sudden Harry grabs his phone out my hands and start calling Louis for real.
'NO!' I yell through my laughing , I kick Niall he gasps 'that was a bruise' He said 'ouch' I said sassy.
'Louis , ay mate how is it going?' Harry said smiling big at me , so big that you can see his dimples.
'Just not so happy what about you twat?' Harry has said him on loudspeaker , He isn't help because of me I screwed him how dare I? 'Thanks for calling me twat but can you come over and fast?' Harry asked , it stays quiet for a long time when Harry is about to ask if he is still on the line 'Yes why not your just home ?' He asked.
'No i'm actually at another place' harry said a huge smirk plastered on his stupid face. 'Where are u than?' Louis asked curious. 'Come to Audrey's place' he said now with his eyebrows furrowed 'Does she thinks that's okay?' He asked 'Of course' Harry said 'okay see ya' he hang up. I want to hit Harry in the face and why i'm actually thinking this instead doing it?! I don't even know. I smack him in the face 'Thank you Styles!' I yell in his face , he holds his hand against his cheek.
I run upstaires , tears falling down my cheeks.

Harry's POV
She smacked me in the face! I'm in pure shock but the burning feeling in my cheek replaces the pain.
'Did she...really' I said still confused as hell Niall nods 'Does your cheek hurt?' He asked worried 'A bit but don't worry' I said with a little smile.
'Hello?' Louis entered the room , he burst out in laughter without any reason at all. 'Where you laughing at?' I said grumpy , he looks at Niall and Niall starts laughing too.
I look at them with a not-fair glance.
'Woooooh that was funny Geez' he said whipping away his tears from laughing
'Where is Audrey actually?' He asked his smirk fades away when he realise who isn't in the room, Niall and I look at each other I point at him 'Explain' 'wait what? No!' He yelled back.
'She is still angry isn't she?' Louis said with hurt in his eyes 'No , she missed you so we called you to come over but she didn't dared to face you and she slapped me in the face' he holds his hand over his mouth to keep him from laughing ' I can see' he said.
'She's upstaires' Niall said , Louis stands up and leaves the room.

Louis' POV
I knock on her door , no reaction.
I just push it open , her eyes are red and puffy , she whispers some words under her breath. 'Audrey?' I said hesitating, she looks at me her once blue sparkling eyes now they are duff and lifeless, that smile with the cute dimples isn't on her face leaving a sad feeling in my body.
I settled myself beside her 'You can tell me everything you want I won't judge you' I said putting my hand on her small shoulders. A sob leaves her mouth 'I-I just have a e-emotional breakdown' she said crying in her hands. 'It's something natural don't worry about it' I said she start crying harder I take her in my arms.
I bring my lips to her ear 'It's not just a emotional breakdown am I right? You can trust me I promise' I said worried as hell about her.
She sweeps the tears away 'I'm having some bigger issues than just a emotional breakdown' she starts.
Her lips trembles a little bit 'How big?' I ask she shakes her head and a smile covers her face she looks in my eyes and opens her mouth 'huge' one word , big meaning ( ironic cuz she just said huge ).
'Depression?' I asked scared for the answer , tears are in her eyes telling me the answer , I pull her in a warm hug she sobs in my chest I kiss her hair.
'Louis?' She asked broken 'Yes babe' I hate seeing her so broken.
'I'm so sorry' she said sobbing in my chest again I pul her a bit away , so she needs to face me 'Hey! Don't say sorry nothing is your fault! You didn't asked for anything' I said 'you are to good for me' she said shaking her head in disbelieve 'Me? Don't let me laugh i'm not even close, you deserve better but I always be here for you no matter what' I said 'I've been angry on you Lou, I guess I was angry because you are so kind and fearless and I am not' she said I smile warm at her.
'It's okay' I said , I kiss her head.
'Should I stay for the night?' I asked she nods 'If you don't mind being here' she said 'Of course not!' I said.

Sorry that it took so long :(
Hope you enjoy it , next chapter is gonna get Narry feels so be prepared.
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