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Zayn's POV

Harry and I are going to the same right now we both are in love with our best friend 'I think Niall is a perfect guy for you , I always thought you would go for the softy' I said , Harry hits me playfully 'For you the same Liam is a softy too' Harry said , I chuckle 'He is sexy as fuck' I said licking my lips. Harry shakes his 'Niall his sexier you can't lie' I laugh 'I don't lie Liam wins' I said 'No Niall he has these sparkly blue eyes and you never saw his abs man he doesn't train but he has them like wow' he said 'sounds very nice but he can't compete to Liam , he has these brown bear eyes and he is so strong you saw that arm muscles? he kisses amazing by the way' I said , Harry shakes his head 'Niall' 'Liam' 'Niall' 'Liam' 'Niall'.

'Let's stop about it they are both hot and need to be ours' Harry said 'true I want him to bad' I said shaking my head a bit 'I always you were straight actually it feels a bit weird to talk with you about having feelings for guys' he said , I nod 'I agree with that , I never thought I was bi but you know turns out I am' I said 'What about Pez do you still think you have a kind of feelings for her?' Harry asked , Perrie my ex I missed so much but than Liam popped up and I completely forget her somewhere I know that I have deep inside still feelings for Perrie but I don't know how strong they are.

'Long time ago , I didn't thought about her since Liam popped up' I said sadly , Harry shot me guilty glances 'sorry for bringing her up' he said I smile weakly 'doesn't matter' I said.
'Let's make breakfast!' Harry said enthousiastic , we go to the kitchen.
We want to make eggs and bacon , turns out that a half of the eggs are burned and I don't eat the bacon so I have no idea if that was nice.
'How is the bacon?' I asked Harry 'They are okay' he said.

Niall's POV
After Harry left I went home also didn't want to be a bother for Audrey.
It's a bit lonely without that curly haired child , i'm watching tv in my underwear with chips. I love eating snacks in the morning makes me feel badass.
The doorbell goes 'Go away!' I scream , I hear more noise at my door , the doorbell rings a thousand times.
'Jesus , I'm watching a nice show just go and come back later' I yell again.
A kick sounds against my door.
I'm getting angry but I walk to the door ( still in my underwear for if you forget ) 'What' I said slamming the door open , Jacob is standing in the front of me confused by the fact that i'm standing in my boxers , I turn bright red.
'Never thought to find you in your boxers dirty Irish leprechaun' he said , he balls his fist to hit me , Luckily I dive on the good moment and don't get hurt. He pushes me , I stumble back and fall on the ground , my heart start pumping in my chest.
'I said I would find you anyway are you ready to get a payback?' He said 'Fuck you' It falls without a warning out of my mouth , I didn't even know it until his fist connects with jaw the burning pain comes next.
'Since when you speak up? Did that homo learned you that?' He asked with a grin on his face , my blood boils a bit 'Don't call him' that I said with a sneer on my face 'Sorry was that not okay? I have a better name for him: Ball sucker' He hitted a soft spot of me , I lift my leg and kick Jacob in his abdomen , Jacob whines and falls on the ground close to himself.
I try to stand up , but Jacob is to smart and grabs my leg try to get me on the ground again , I try to kick him again 'Let fucking go!' I yelled at him , I don't know where I find these guts to swear at him or even kick him back it's a miracle. Finally I get up and run into my room and lock it , fast I put on my jeans and a shirt.
I want to call someone so bad but my phone is in the room 'Please please please go away' I begged to nothing.
'I will stay here until you come out' He said with a dark chuckle.

Zayn's POV
'Should we go shopping?' Harry asked 'Why?' I asked lazy 'Because I only have 3 pair of jeans' Harry said 'You are a sad person you know?' I said with a chuckle , Harry looks at me deathly.
'Okay leggo than' I said jumping up.
When we walk in the mall , my heart skips a beat there's Liam with that slut.
'You see what I see?' Harry asked 'yes and i'm not happy 'bout it ' I said through gritted teeth 'Let's follow them' Harry said with a smirk 'You mean stalking?' Harry shakes his head 'I call it friendly following' I roll my eyes.
'Liam I wanna go to the Victoria Secret to get something new for tonight' My blood boils in my veins , if he is gonna have sex with that old slut than i'm gonna eat my shoes one by one.
'Uhm of course let's get in' he said not fully sure about what he is doing , we follow them but get holding back 'What do you trouble makers want to do in this store?' We want to get in but than a huge guy holds us back 'Sorry that I want to buy something sexy for my size 2 girlfriend' Harry said , I need to keep myself from laughing cuz I imagine Niall in a pink bra.
The guy steps back and let us in , in the store me and Harry follow Liam , Harry showed me a blue bra 'same colour as Nialls eyes should I buy it?' He asked, I burst out in laughing to bad Liam turns around and see me and Harry.
Tears from the laughing run down my cheeks 'Zayn!' Liam said , Sophia looks at me weirdly 'Liam didn't know you were here to what a surprise' I said fake surprised , Harry turns away from us because he needs to laugh about me to hard 'Uhm and how do you know Liam?' She asked arrogant 'Does that matter ? Payno we are going out the tonight wanna come with us?' I asked shotting Sophia glances , she looks at me angrily 'Li you can't we had planned something fun remember' She said some flirty smile , Disgusting.
'Owh yeah sorry Zayn' Liam said 'Come on you don't want to have sex with some older lady do you? I thought you loved having young girls like Daniëlle' I said , Sophia's mouth drops , Liam looks furious at me 'You asshole!' He yelled 'C'mon i'm right' I yelled back 'Mister can you leave the shop' a woman said 'shut up' I said.
'Owh I know why you metioned Daniëlle because I didn't want to suck your dick!' Liam screamed hurting my feelings deeply.
'Zayn come' Harry said pulling me a bit backwards 'No wait i'm not done yet Harry, If I wanted to suck a dick I would choose Harry cuz he has a bigger one than you' a bodyguard roughly pushes me back to the exit.
'Don't have the guts to come back ever again!' He yelled.
Harry rubs my back 'I'm sorry for you Zayn I wish it didn't end like this' He said looking me deep in the eyes 'He is a dick' I said 'and not a big one' I said Harry start laughing.
'You know let's go home I survived it with 3 jeans already a long time' He said.
'Sure I don't mind' I said 'Yes sure let's do something fun' He said 'You ever tried weed?' I asked with a smirk 'Nope and I'm not gonna try' he said 'Aaah , softy' I said he hits my arm.

So it's turning 2015 for me in like 2 hours and 20 minutes.
I wish you a happy new year!!
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