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Harry's POV
Louis did what I said , he left us all alone, I try to stop crying but I can't.
All those tears I burried inside flow over my cheeks. 'Harry please stop crying I hate seeing you this broken' Gemma said getting emotional herself.
I inhale and exhale deep.
'I'm sorry' I said , Audrey rubs my back and hand me a glass of water.
'Thank you' I said with a weak smile , she smiles back.
'I need to pee , be right back' I said.
I run upstaires and go to the bathroom , lock the door and open all cabinets. 'Where are they?' I asked myself frustrated. 'bingo' I said holding the shiny razor in the light, It's cold.
'I'm so pathetic' I said pushing the cold steel in my skin , blood pops up immidiatly I smile.
'Because I wasn't home when you got in the problems' I said shoving the blade over my arm again. 'Because Louis doesn't seem to care' this one was to deep I let fall the razor when the river of blood streams over my arm.
'I went to far' I said biting my lips.
I feel myself getting a bit dizzy , but my pain soften.

When I'm done cleaning I come downstaires , a police officier sits on the couch , did I really took that long time.
'Harry this is officer Hood' the officer gives me a hand 'I'm here the case Horan right?' I nod and bite my lips down.
'Tell me in detail what happend' he said.

After telling him seriously everything from the beginning to the end he starts talking 'This is a crime , bullying to almost the death and kidnapping if we catch this guy he can have a pretty long time in jail' the police officer said.
'I can promise you Mr Styles that we are gonna do everything we can to get your loved one back' he said , I bite my lip. 'One thing before you go officer, I have a friend Louis Tomlinson he knows something can you have a talk with him?' I asked polite, that's what happens when you mess with me.
'Do you have his adres or number?' He asked , I give both and smile to myself.

Louis' POV
I went back to Shane and Niall lays there with out any movement on the ground. I swallow the thick lump in my throat , my phone rings.

"Louis Tomlinson"
"Hello Mister Tomlinson , I want to have a talk with you at the Police office"

My mouth get's dry "O-okay" I stuttert.

I walk to Shane who's smoking , He smirks when he sees me 'I have to go to the police office' I said he starts coughing 'WHAT!' He yelled , he pushed me against the wall 'You better keep your mouth shut Tomlinson' Shane said with a creepy grin.

'Let's make this clear kid , tell me what you know about the case Horan. Everything you say can be used against you in court of law' I swallow thickly.
'Alright you get it , talk' he said.
'I-I uhm.... I know what happend and the reason but this guy he's blackmailing me and i'm scared' I decided to tell the truth.
'Okay don't worry we will help you out kiddo , just tell me everything' he said.
I sighed and tell him about Harry's secret the whole thingy.
I told him about how Shane treated Niall and forced him to break up with Harry.
'Horan has been very brave by taking this risk to give inside hints but this helps us a lot' he said I nod.
'Is there anything you've done?' He asked I shake my head 'Not yet , he said he needed help but thank god I haven't done anything yet' I said honestly.
'Okay , do you have the address?' He asked clicking his pain.
'Yes... But i'm scared that Shane will kill Niall that guy is insane' I said.
'I make sure we do it right' He promised.
'Okay' I give him the address and he writes his down. 'We take this very serious' he said giving me a handshake.
'I make sure a team is taking care of your protection' he said.
'Thank you officer' I said.
I decide to go home and sleep it all off.

Niall's POV
I wake up with this headache , the chair i'm tied on lays on the ground and it feels like my arm is dying. All my weight is on my arm.
'Niall boo are you in for a little game?' Shane's fucked up voice said.
'No' he grins and hit lift the chair up and I finally feel my blood reaching my arm again.
His fist connects with my jaw , after that he hits me again in my face this time even harder. I start crying the pain is unbearable. Shane start recording me 'Tell Harreh what I done to you Niall' my sigh was blurry.
'Don't let him come near you' I said with a cracking voice Shane cuts with something in my arm. I scream out , blood drops run over my new fresh cutted skin , he has cut over my older cuts.
'I spare him the time he takes with cutting his own skin' Shane said well laughing , I close my eyes and let tears run down my cheeks. 'He's worthless , I don't know what you like about him I mean look at him , he's so ugly he woulden't even get a role in The Hobbit' He laughed at me.

I'm deeply hurt , I know i'm not the most attractive guy but words like that hurt me and crush my self-system.
'I mean look at him he is the typical homo! People like you and him disgusting if you ask me' Shane said.
His fist connects with my face again , hot blood drips down.
'I dare you to come and save him before he's death' Shane said.
My breath hissed in my throat 'No Harry don't i'm gonna be fine' I said.
I'm not gonna bring him in problems because I need to be saved.
I look Shane in the eyes my eyes shot bullets , he grins.

Harry's POV
Gemma stayed by my side the whole night. We watched a few movies and ate lots of popcorn. If I enjoyed? Mwah not really I just feel like there's missing something and the saddest part is that it's true. My soulmate is fucking kidnapped by my bully.
'They are gonna find him' Gemma said like she could read my mind.
'I hope so' my phone lits up on the table in the front of me.
I have a video from an unknown number.
'Gem come watch this video with me' I said with a trembling voice.
We watch in horror when we see Niall tortured by Shane. Shane calls him names who disgust me , Niall isn't worthless he is as much worth as any other guy on the world.
Niall fat? Don't let me laugh that boy can eat a whole cow without turning fat. If he's ugly than the whole world is ugly , he's flawless I never met anyone like him.
When Shane's fist connects with his face again and he cries out , I feel my heart drop into my stomach.
"I dare you to come and save him before he's death' tears stream down my cheeks.
Breathing starts getting harder , my heart pumps blood rapidly through my body , my vision is not clear anymore.
'HARRY!' Gemma screamed it sounds far away. Gemma hands are on my shoulder but It's to late I pass out.

Happy Valentine❤️
I'm lonely but I don't give a fuck , I have my chocolate around me so I don't need more :))
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