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Niall's POV
I wake up with a huge headache , on the ground with a blanket.
'What happend this time?' I sigh and look around I feel my head and it feels worse.
I take my phone out my pocket and start calling Liam.

Liam: the Hangover Man
Niall: You are not okay to
Liam: Do you know why i'm in Zayns house by the way
Niall: No I don't , but do you know who brought me back home?
Liam: No I serious don't know I was drunk
Niall: argh my head hurts for real
Liam: let's get off the phone
Niall: Bye mate

We hang up and I go to the bathroom wash myself , put some clothes on and make myself breakfast.
I decide to take medicine against my headache , I hear my doorbell ringing so I walk downstairs and open the door.
I get the biggest shock of my life , the last persons I wanted to see , the pain is back in my head , i'm so nervous that i'm scared to puke 'Niall we missed you' that voice the reason I moved away.
My body starts trembeling i'm already at my worst 'Not even a hello?' his voice echooed in my head.
He takes me by my collar and throw me out my own house , I fall and start bleeding 'Still not went to the gym?' I get kicked , I try so hard not to cry for the first time I felt so happy but now it's screwed up.
'You aren't any tougher, your still weak and worthless' Jacob said , the last thing hurts a lot.
I can't keep the tears away , slowly my eyes fill with the tears and then they stream down my cheeks.
'Of course he start crying didn't thought any different' Max said with a chuckle.
I'm worthless , I'm weak and I am a baby who cries about everything.
I feel that I get lift up from the ground and I try to avoid eye contact but he lift my chin up 'If we let you go in a minute , you have to kill yourself cuz no one will give a fuck Liam has a new friend better than you , your parents are disappointed and your brother never wanna talk to you again' Drake smiled so big , I can't help it but the tears stream down my face.
Jacobs fist hits me in the face , Drake let me fall on the ground and start kicking me hard.
Max is punching me in the stomach 'YOU ARE WORTHLESS' they yelled all together and walked away.
I puke because all of the punching , I try to stand up when I stand up I see from a long distance that group of boys standing who I saw on my first day here they are laughing Nelly looks at me weird and I stumble back to my house and open the door.
When i'm inside I lock the door and run to the bathroom.
I open the cabinet , razors I take and start sitting on the ground.
'You were a week clean Niall a week are you sure?' I asked myself 'I am sure , I am wortless , my parents hate me , Liam likes Zayn more than me , from the moment I came here is something wrong and I can't take it anymore' I said the tears stream down my face , I put the razor on my wrist and cut deep.
It's bleeding , again I cut and again.
My whole arm is bleeding and the tears can't stop rolling down my cheeks.
My first black jeans are full of my blood drops.
I close my eyes for a moment wishing I died but then I feel someone's hand on my shoulder and I open my eyes.
I'm in a total shock the person in the front of me is the one I searched for on internet the one on the party.
'Please don't cut' his raspy and deep voice spoke , his eyes showed guilt and deep sadness 'I deserve it' I whispered.
'No don't say that nothing is your fault' he said is voice is pretty sexy... wait what did I fucking thought.
'It is , I could better stay in Mullingar there it was almost better than here now I feel like i'm already death' I said I sob and start crying again , I feel arms around me I put my head in Harry's chest.

Harry's POV
I'm spying Niall , he get kicked and punched by some guys already ten minutes or something but I don't dare to come and help him what does he need to think of me?! then they stop and call him worthless ouch that hurts.
He looks around I spot him facing his shoes and he stumbles back to his house.
I chase him inside he goes to the bathroom , I put my ear on the door he I hear him saying 'You were a week clean Niall a week are you sure?' and then he agrees with himself wait what!
I can hear him cry and it's heart breaking , I walk inside and put my hand on his little shoulders.
He opens is ocean blue eyes and look at me confused and in shock.
I know he don't understand this but I want him to not cut 'Please don't cut' I said , I just feel guilty and sad about this. 'I deserve it' he whispered I feel myself getting angry on myself I screwed him 'No don't say that! nothing is your fault' I said I feel so guilty it's a long time ago that I felt guilty. 'It is , I could better stay in Mullingar there it was almost better than here now I feel like i'm already death' he said he starts sobbing again and breaks again down in tears I hug him tight and he puts his head in my chest.
My shirt gets very wet with my hands I rub is back 'You can count on me Niall don't worry' I whispered in his ear.
He looks me in the eyes 'Why do you care' his voice cracked.
'It's complicated , a long story one no one really knows they all know just a little part' I said sighing 'but I care about you and I want you to stop cutting it's bad' I said he smiles for a moment I smile back 'No I'm not gonna stop' my smile drops 'What?!' I said a bit to hard he was scared I look at him guilty 'sorry a bit to hard' I said 'I'm not gonna stop I deserve this and nothing is gonna stop me' he said in his cute Irish accent 'stop please , I can't take it if you are gonna cut also' I said I put my hand for my mouth shit I said to much 'wait what?' he looked at me.
'I promised myself to never tell anyone but now I did fuck' I said 'no you didn't you only said that can't take another one who cuts' he said cheeky.
'Promise me you stop' I said gently pushing him out the bathroom to the living room 'you want a cup of tea?' I asked 'uhm...yes please I think' he said I set him a cup of tea. 'Why did you scared me?' he asked when I came back with 2 cop of tea's.
'well I don't want anyone to live in my old house' I said 'Why do you sell it then?' he said I sigh 'that has to do with that thing I didn't wanted to tell' I said 'owh okay' he said.
'can we start over again?' I ask after a long silence 'what do you mean?' he asked I smile 'Hi , i'm Harry Styles' I said shaking his hand a little smile forms on his face 'nice to meet Harry i'm Niall Horan' my smile grow big 'i'm from Cheshire , I have a sister who is the sweetest sister on the world and I love to sing' I said.
'i'm from a little town called Mullingar in Ireland , I have a nice brother Greg and his son Theo is the cutest kid I have ever seen and I also love to sing' he said that last thing a bit shy what make him look very cute.
'cool , can you sing something for me?' I asked very intresed 'No sorry I don't dare to sing for other people but I can play guitar for you' he said 'CAN YOU PLAY GUITAR' I said enthusiastic.
'yes I do wanna hear some' he said i nodd , I always loved the guitar.
Niall walks to his room and comes back with his guitar he plays a nice piece 'Do you write songs?' I ask curious 'I do' he said shy and blushed a bit what is just adorable 'Do you?' he asked I smiled 'yes' I answered 'Niall I want to apologize for everything in including the fact i've hit you last night' I said 'apologize accepted and thank you for the hit my head still hurt' he said rubbing his forhead.
I coulden't help but laughed 'I think it's time to go Niall , i'm happy that everything is good now between us I see you around bye' I said walking out the door

OMG Narry is so cute finally they are nice to each other
this are 1616 words be proud of me
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