They gonna get me anyway

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Niall's POV
I fell asleep against the door but I got waken up by kicks to my door. 'I come and get you now' Jacob yelled.
Come on think Horan is there needs to be a way you can escape , my brain is working 100% to come on a idea but the only thing it can think of is food.
'Why do you waste your time on me' I yelled so he can hear it. 'I don't waste time you deserve to get hit hard' he yells back 'You've been called a thousand times by the way' He said.
'Beautiful! They will coming soon than' I said.

Harry's POV
Zayn and I called Niall million times , he didn't answered.
'We better take a look' Zayn said , never thought Zayn would say that he doesn't like Niall.
'Leggo than before we are to late' I said.
The sky is filled with dark grey clouds , it's freezing cold and there are less people than normal on the street , A weird feeling forms in my stomach.
'Can we walk faster?' I asked Zayn quicking my pace , Zayn does the same.
Nialls door is open , not a good sign if you ask me.
We run inside , weird noises from upstaires caught my attention we run upstairss. No one , Niall is not alone i'm sure there's someone else.
'Where are you! We know you are here' I said , a short kick sound comes from Nialls room.
We go inside , Niall lays on the ground a other boys sits on him and another has a hand on his mouth.
My jaw drops , this guys are hurting Niall they hurt my Niall!.
I walk to the guy who sits on Niall and drag him to the ground my hand on his throat.
'You keep your dirty hands of him dick!' I screamed , I drag him down staires still with my hand on his throat.
I throw him out the door 'Never come back again or I woulden't mind to ruin your pretty face' I said furious.

When i'm back Zayn is kicking that other guy and tells him that if he ever comes back that Zayn isn't scared to change is face so much that his own mother won't recognize him.
'Niall are you okay?' I asked kneeling next to him , I rub with my thumb over his bruised cheek.
His eyebrows are frowned in pain , he whines his eyes are closed.
'Niall come on give me your hand than me and Harry help you up buddy' Zayn said , Niall shakes his head.
'It's gonna be okay Niall just stand up we'll help you' I whispered calmly , again he shakes his head with closed eyes. 'My knee hurts to much can't stand up' he said with a pained voice.
Zayn looks at me on a and what now look. I scoop Niall up in bridal style.
With Niall in my arms I walk downstaires and lay him on the couch.
'Get you jeans out' I said a bit to bossy.
Finally he opens his eyes they are red from the crying 'What no not with you and Zayn in the room' he said anxious , I sigh in disbelieve 'Come on I have seen more dicks than you know' I said Niall turns bright red.
He pulls his pants down with a lot of whining , his knee is red and swollen also a huge scar in the middle of his knee.
'That doesn't look quiet good' Zayn said.
'Why coulden't they trap to something else than my knee I already had enough shit with my knee , I had a knee surgery' He explained. 'Who are they, I'm gonna get them how can they hurt you?!' I said angrily , Nialls eyes fill with tears , a few of them roll over his chubby and slightly red cheeks.
'Z-Zayn you remember t-the game Truth and Dare? I-I didn't want to talk about that t-t-thing , it has to do with this' he said with a raspy broken voice, seeing him having such a hard time talking about this breaks my heart.
'Yes I remember, what has that to do with this Nialler' Zayn asked sweetly , Zayn can be the sweetest guy on the earth even though he looks like a typical badboy.
'T-they no t-t-t-there are m-more of t-them this were 2/3 of t-them' I'm confused , more tears roll down his cheeks his eyes shot through the room , he looks like a scared bunny.
'Niall i'm confused' I said , he shakes his head and breaks into sobbing.
I till him on to my lap and rub his back gently , Zayn smirks I can't help but smirk back.
'Ey Nialler , It's gonna be alright i'm here for you like that time i've told you the truth about me and that time I stopped you remember i'm always here for you just tell me it okay' I whispered , he shakes his head in my chest.
'N-not you , I-I want to t-t-tel Zayn but not you please' he stutters my heart breaks in thousands of pieces.
'Okay I go' I said walking away with my head facing the floor.

Zayn's POV
Harry left the room very upset.
'Get it of your chest Niall' I told him nicely , he sighs and inhales some air.
'I get bullied , I moved here in the hope I could have a new start without people judging me , turns out they found me I can't win Zayn they always find me , they won't stop until i'm gone my whole body hurts i'm not okay , sometimes at night I just wish I won't wake up the next morning' His words shocked me , he rather be death than live one second longer a lump in my throat blocks my words.
'I-I can't b-believe you are so polite and sweet how?' I asked , a stream of tears wets Niall's shirt 'I'm such a easy target I guess' a sob leaves his mouth 'No this is not true they can't bully someone like you I mean you are 1 to good looking to get bullied 2 You are sweet and kind 3 you are to enthousiastic 4 you aren't fat and 5 It just can't ' I said confused , Niall smiles weakly 'That's sweet Zayn but i'm not good looking , I'm not very skinny or musceld , i'm not so enthousiastic after all the bullying and you see it happens physical and mental' He sighed , I shake my head in horror.
'Don't you see the girls looking at you they love you , Harry can't stop talking about how nice and sweet you have been to him and you not skinny? Don't let me laugh you are skinnier than me , Harry , Louis and Liam' I said , Niall is more insecure than I actually expected.
'You know you have to tell Harry also soon' I said 'No I don't want to tell Harry he is gonna be so dissapointed no never' He said shaking his head in a childish way.
'C'mon if I was you I rather tell Harry that I get bullied than me I mean we don't have a good friendship like you and Hazza' I said 'Though I'm not telling him it' I sigh irritated , Niall finished his story so I'm gonna get Harry. I can't see him 'Haz! Where r u?' I said loud 'Here' I hear him yells from upstaires.
He stands in Nialls room with a photograph in his hand 'how cute is this little boy?' Harry said with a huge smile 'Too cute is that his little brother or something?' I asked 'dunno' He said.
We see more photograph one picture caught my attention , it's a family picture I guess he smiles bright ,a boy next to him smiles to and his parents stand a bit awkward next to each other.
Such a happy picture but just by looking at it you can feel also a kind of sadness , his parents doesn't look that happy on the picture.
'Sad picture isn't it?' Harry said from behind me I nod.
'I want to ask so much questions when I see all these pictures , I want to know every story behind it but on the other hand I want it to be a mystery' He said.
'Sometimes it's not neccesary to know the story behind it , you don't want to cut yourself on the broken pieces' I spoke quietly.

I'm actually very proud of this chapter tbfh , I really have thought about the message of this chapter.
I hope you al enjoyed
X Me

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