Back to normal ?

22 4 18

Harry's POV
I miss the kid already she was so adorable and sweet , Niall is here I don't like it to be honest he is gonna start about it again.
I don't want to talk about it , I have big enough problems left over.
'Did you saw it coming ... the car?' He asked I shake my head 'No , I just walked over the street through some people and a group of boys who felt like they ruled the world pushed me and I fell on the road , being honest? People screamed things but I didn't realized it until I saw the car lights through the fog' I said with a trembling voice.
Niall puts his hand on my leg the good 'so worst I can't believe , m-me and Lou were scared i-it was our f-fault' he said with trembling voice I look up and see his eyes are full of tears I hug him 'It would never be your fault blondie and neither Lous' it's the fault of one of my other "friends" ' I whisper in his hair.
'Who?' He asked I sigh deep 'first you have to promise you won't do anything cuz you are gonna freak out' I said 'Pinky promise?' Niall asked , we strangle our pinky's 'Pinky promise' he said.
'ZaynwasthereasonwhyIdroppedmyphoneinthecerealandwhyIlefthemademefeelworse' I said very very very fast.
'Again and now slower please' Niall said with a chuckle.
'Zayn was the reason why I dropped my phone in the cereal and why I left , he made me feel worse' I said on a normal way, I saw that Niall looked angry I guess he didn't liked it.
'What did he say?' Niall ask in between gritted teeth I show him the text message.

{A'N i'm sure you already forget what was in there so here you have them ;) }

Zayn: You are such a loser and I hope that you never see your sister ever again

Niall gulps 'How dare he!' He screamed , I realized I actually still have the message's of the bullies but i'm not gonna show him , I don't want to make him feel guilty for me even more. 'You know , because I pinky promised you I don't kill him but If louis knows...' he said smiling big.
I laugh , Niall is a ball or sunshine when he laughs his face lights up making him look even cuter.
'You are cute' I blurt out , I slam my hand for my mouth that was to embarrassing.
'Thank you' he is a bit red , His shy side is adorable.

Louis' POV

I coulden't take all these things at once , I need help I swear i'm confused about everything since when do we all lie to each other what went wrong? I'm just sitting here staring into nothing I want Harry to walk in with a cheesy smile and no cuts. I hear noises at my door but i'm to lazy to stand up to see who it is. 'Hello pleasants , princess entering here everyone bow otherwise your head will be chopped' a to familiar voice spoke , I unfreeze myself and see Audrey standing in the door opening 'Are you gonna bow or do I need to take a knife and chop your head off?' I shake my head and bow down.  She walks in a circle around me 'You have a fluffy ass for a boy' she said , I look up I have a red head if a traffic light ever is defect they can you use me. When I look back at her I see she's a bit red to 'sorry I blurt that out , it actually had to keep up there' she said pointing at her head. I scan her from up to down and from down to up. I lik my lips she is beautiful how can you don't love her.

She is frozen by my action 'Are you gonna eat or something' I laugh about her reaction , I stand closer to her her head is close to my chest 'I just find you hard to resist' I said in a low voice. I bow a bit forward she puts her hands on my chest and push me a bit away 'Cheesy fucker' she said 'Your such a good actor' she said rolling her eyes and sit down next to me 'what if I wasn't kidding' she start laughing high pitched and I look at her confused she stands up 'can I.. take a glass of water or something?' she said , she walks up against the table hurting her toe 'FUCK FUCK FUCK THAT HURTS DAMN IT!' she screamed out. 'I'll gonna get your glass of water' I said still confused , I pour some water in the glass and walk back. 'Here you go love' I hand the glass to her and she takes a sip 'thank you' she said.

'how did you actually knew where I live?' she smiles evilly 'I have my resources' I sit close to her so close I can smell her tommy hilfiger parfum. 'Louis why you sitting so tight next to me?' she asked and I could feel she felt uncomfortable making me feel powerful to be honest she needs to be mine.

'I like sitting tight next cute beautiful girls' I said flirty , she slide a bit away from me. Why doesn't she feels flatterd? 'Why did you walked away yesterday? if I can ask I want to help' She said, my smile fades away what are you doing now Tomlinson? now your not cheeky.

'Can we do that another time?' I ask a bit harsh 'No it has something the do with me and I want to know if I need to say sorry' she said stern , I roll my eyes 'Don't roll your eyes like that' she said irritated 'I want to help that's it' she said pissed off. 'Does it look like I need help ?' I ask in a annoyed voice. She wants to say something but the door slams open and Harry's stupid smile is the first I see.

'Hello my people!' he said enthousastic , I can hear Niall laughing from behind. Audrey smiles by Harry's enter 'Is that your chick Lou?" he asked pointing at Audrey 'She is hot' he said with a whistle , he is acting like she isn't standing next to me. 'He had to test some pain killers because he get a bit harsh headache' Niall explained to Audrey 'owh okay I guess' she said Niall gives her a gentle smile she smiles back. I give Niall a angry glance and his eyes said sorry. He needs to get away from Audrey does he really thinks he got a chance pff no way.

'Louis you never gonna believe what me and liam jus-' Zayn walks in and I look at him , Niall looks at him with a death glance if glances could kill Niall had killed him 15 times. 'awwwwwwwwwwkward' audrey said making me and Harry laugh but Zayn and Niall still stare at each other deadthly. Liam is standing in the door opening his lips in a straight line , it stays silent for a long time until Harry opens his mouth and I could already feel he is gonna say something not so nice ' Thank you for your sweet message my phone loves cereal' he said in a nasty tone , Zayn eyes dart hate 'Why cereal?' he asked 'That's what happend after I got wished death' Harry said angry I could also read pain in his eyes 'awh' Zayn said Niall runs up to him he wants to punch him but Liam pulls him back and hold him in his arms 'LET ME GO HE DESERVES TO GET HIT AND FEEL ALSO PAIN' Niall screamed furious 'sssh Niall calm down we are not gonna fight' Liam said 'NO I WANNA FIGHT EVEN THO I'M NEVER GONNA WIN' never thought Niall would say that Zayn is about to say something and than something in my head tells me to hit him so I do. 'What the fuck' Zayn falls on the ground and his cheek is bleeding.

'OKAY EVERYONE STOP IT SERIOUS I'M STILL HERE' Audrey screamed we look at her 'You' she said pointing at me 'Don't come close to me ever again' she said breaking my heart.'You black hair boy you better watch out with what you say' 'You are nice' she said to Niall and Harry 'And I don't know who you are but you have cute eyes' She said pointing at Liam and leaving.

'THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH' I scream at them and make my way upstaires.


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