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Louis' POV
That girl is the funniest girl I ever met in my whole entire life , she is so sassy.
I'm happy she gave me her number she's definitely worth trying to get close to.
I can't get the smile of my face I don't know she makes me feel different.
I decide to call Harry to say sorry.

"I-it's Niall a friend of Harry"
"Niall why do you have Harry's phone"
"H-h-harry get ride over by a car i'm in the hospital"
"Louis are you still there?"
"I'm coming"

Worries taking over my body , is this my fault? Did Zayn went to far? Niall did? His problems went worse?
'Stop Louis! You don't want a headache.
I step in the car and drive far over the limit , I just need to hurry up if this is my fault I can't ever forgive myself, he is still the greatest friend I have , yes Zayn is amazing to but Harry is different.

Niall's POV
It feels like i'm in hell Harry lays there on all kind of tubes , the whole time you hear that high pitched bleep.
Louis sounded pretty in shock about this thing , better atleast it is also their fault.
Harry moves a bit , I jump up 'Harry do you hear me?' I ask hopeful.
He groans very soft giving me a sign that he heared me I quess.
'Harry try to open your eyes please' I said softly , his hands move a bit but then his body is numb again.
I hear footsteps on the hall 'N-Niall?' I recognize the voice , it's Louis'.
I turn around 'Louis' I said a bit nervous, I swallow the lump in my throat down 'How is he doing?' Louis asked with a pained voice.
'I don't know to be honest, the doctors say he is in a deep sleep not like a coma but just a sleep , he has much pain i'm sure about he groans sometimes he just moved his hand to' I stop for a moment 'I-I just hope he didn't done it on purpose , I hope it's a accent' I said with cracking voice.
'Same , I'm having a feeling that it's maybe my fault I just feel sick about it' he said I shake my head 'No I don't believe that it isn't your fault , I'm scared it's mine' I said 'why do you think? You've been a better friend than Zayn and I so it isn't your fault at all' he said I little smile forms on my face 'That's nice but i'm almost sure' I said shaking my head well my smile fades away.
'I-I shoulden't made that remark, he didn't liked it he just walked out' I stopped to keep myself from crying , Louis lays his hand gentle on my back 'What did you say to him?' He asked.
'I-I just asked why he dropped his phone in the cereal that's why it is weird' Louis start laughing very hard I look at him irritated 'Okay Niall say you are joking?' He said still laughing 'I am not...' I said 'Niall believe me if I tell you that there happend a way more' Louis said.
'Niall Harry is not that pathetic i'm sure that it was something more like something rude on his phone I didn't had any contact with him so it actually can't be me but I feel extremely guilty for being so rude to him' he said.
I nod maybe he is true , I hope so to be honest.

Louis is sinked in his phone smiling at it , he starts laughing at his phone I giggle he looks pretty happy 'Who are you talking to?' I ask 'A girl a just met' he smiles bright 'She is very funny' and again his eyes are locked at the screen. 'Are you in love?' I ask with wiggly eyebrow he looks up with a even brighter smile than before. {A"N Like in the gif } 'Sorry what were you saying?' he asked 'never mind, why don't you just call than I can hear her voice' I said.

'I miss her voice a bit cuz she is a way to funny' Louis said 'than let's do it' I said. He dials her number and puts it on loud speaker.


"Well hello babe missed me" Louis said in a smooth flirty voice.

"Shut up please"

I start laughing "Wow are you with your friends or something? Owh wait you don't have any"
Louis looked now a bit pissed.
"Hi , i'm Niall" I said.
She start laughing "Sorry your accent is just to funny anyway why did you called Lou-e !"
"Because he missed your voice" I said he hit me hard on my arm I whine.
"He lies he wanted to hear your voice"
"Little white lies you liar" she said.
"Okay bye" Louis said random.

'Wow you are pretty random' I said.
He ignores me and turns to Harry.
Tears are in his eyes , he looks at something than a shock rushes over me.....

Sorry you all gonna hate me...
I hope you enjoyed it a little bit
Please comment and vote
lots of love me 💕
P.s. It's almost christmas yay

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