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Louis' POV
The tears are high up in my eyes , I stare at the pink little strips on the wrists of my best friend.
I feel Niall's eyes burn in my back but I didn't care the only thing where i'm now focused on is his pink strips better known as cuts. A tear runs down my cheek to my chin and lands on the ground , with as following more fall from my cheeks.
Never thought I would start crying when Niall was there , a bit weak to be fucking honest.
It's completely silent and it's killing me why doesn't he say anything he sees it too i'm sure why the fuck isn't he crying and why are i'm so furious.
'Why are you so heartless!' I let out snapping my head to Niall , I see he actually has tears in his eyes , his eyes are puffy and red.
'I-i'm c-crying here t-too' he stuttert , looking at me with puppy eyes, big blue puppy eyes.
Thousands of questions popped up in my head it makes my head hurt like.
I look at Harry's closed eyes , somehow I miss his emerald green eyes that once's with pure joy and sparks.
He looks already death right now , his tanned skin changed is some white/blue purple bruised skin.
He moves a bit not very special to be honest , all of a sudden his eyes shot open and my jaw drops.
Some kind of panic and happiness rush over me IS THIS REAL?!.
'Niall do you see this to?' I asked , Harry seemed to struggling with the bright white light and walls.
'I see it Louis' he said , my eyes are locked on Harry's body who is struggling once again with everything around him.
'W-where the hell am I?' He asked with a lower and raspier voice than normal.
'Your in the hospital Haz' Niall said.
Harry stares at the wall for a couple of minutes and than he seemed to realise something.
'Car...light...screaming...boys...push...thoughts...rain...fog!!' He was completely freaking out at this moment he seemed to be very scared so scared that we could hear his heartbeat getting higher and I higher that stupid high pitched beep is going faster.
Before I know I see Niall sitting on his bed trying to calm him by hugging and whispering sweet little words I can't hear them put I just guess he does.

Niall's POV
Harry completely freaked out and Louis seemed to be in another world, I take my chance and put him in my arms his chocolate brown curls are tickling my pale skin a bit making me giggle a bit.
'Harry listen to me, there's nothing to be scared of right now okay? You are in my arms and I will never let you go' I whisper 'you are save' 'you don't have to be scared the car is away the pain will stay not long and i'm always here for you' i whisper in my most trustful voice.
'Louis, why don't you go talk to That Audrey girl maybe you get some calmer' I suggest he nods and walks out. Harry's tremblings body seemed to get calmer if I rub my hands through his soft chocolate brown curls.
'N-niall? Are you alright?' He suddenly ask , showing of his beautiful emerald green eyes who are slightly red.
'How do you mean?' I ask a bit nervous 'did you done you know what I mean' he whispered I shake my head a little smile forms at the corners of his lips.
'That's great to hear you are honest I hope' he said shotting me a stern glare 'I am I won't lie to you Harry' I said , at that moments my eyes fall on his wrists again the pink cuts are pretty visible.
'Harry?' I asked quietly 'yes Niall?' He said 'Why didn't you told me you cut to' I asked even more quiet his eyes changed a bit they fall on his "naked" wrists.
I see his huge hands start trembling.
His eyes turns away from me he tries to get out of my arms with result that he get's what he wants.
Everything happens a bit to fast for me so I don't realise everything.
He stands up and try to walk he almost falls , than I get snapped out my thoughts. 'Stop! You not gonna walk away Harry' I said he tries to keep his balance to walk away but I take him by his wrists and push him back at the hospital bed.
'What is this Harold? We do the same okay ! There's no need to shame or walk away from it' I said in the first loud but how longer I talk it grows silent.
'It is a shame , how can I make you stay strong if i'm not even strong enough? I try my fucking best to hide this for a damn long time okay?! Than you show up and every single lie will fade away cuz....cuz... fuck' Harry is on a point where he can breakdown in tears.
Louis walks in his face is as white as a ghost.
'I....i'm going to find Audrey see ya guys later' he said and runs out.
Wait whut?

Louis' POV
Okay , just think where would she live.
Sassy girls I wish there was street called "sassy" than I could find her very fast. I reconize a group of boys who walk past me that are that boys who hurted Audrey.
They smiled laughed a bit I don't hesitate and walk back to stop them.
'Yo losers!' I yell they all turn to me I smirk, they reconise me to yay a meet and greet.
'What do you want' one of them ask and grab me by my collar.
'Where does the girl live?' I ask very irritated they smirk evilly at me 'Hmmm we don't know' I roll my eyes and take his hands of my collar.
'Don't talk bullshit, give me to adress or I will kick your asses once again' the clap for me , the boy who held her the last time walks closer to me 'I don't know what your name is actually but I don't like that behavior' He said 'Boohoo are you gonna cry right now?' I said with a trembling lip with a following smirk.
His fist connects with my jaw , I lose my balance and fall on the wet , dirty ground.
My blood is boiling , they are laughing at me 'Loser' he said , I stand up quickly and hit him back he stumbles back and falls like me on the ground , I kick him hard in the abdomen.
I let myself go , I kicked him a lot , one of his loser friends pulls me back words and hit me hard in the eye.
I punch him back my knuckles are white , I hit him once again and take him by his collar from his shirt.
'Where do she live?' I ask my eyes burn through his stupid soul.
He blurt out the adress and I let him go And take a sprint to her house.
It's actually very close , I'm standing in the front of the door I hesitate and push the doorbel.
Her electric blue eyes meet mine , her eyes are puffy and red but still the most beautiful I ever saw , Her beauty takes my breath away.
'Louis what are you doing here?' She asks with a trembling voice.
'I know you lied over the phone and you are gonna tell me what's wrong' I said still drowned in her beautiful eyes.
'No go away i'm fine' she smiles but it isn't really convincingly.
I push myself along her to get inside I enter a pretty big living room with a huge tv , the house is really beautiful.
'Audrey come sit' I said pointing at the couch she is a bit overwhelmed.
'I'm just not happy at the moment' she said well fixing her hair , I see little red strips and know exactly what is.
My eyes are staring at them , my brain is completely screwed up at this moment.
'WHY YOU TO ! WHAT HAPPENS TO SOCIETY FROM TODAY , IM GETTING INSANE SORRY AUDREY I CAN'T DO IT' I said and running to the door , I wait for a taxi and take it to my house I need sleep it's them dark outside.

I hope you enjoyed this pretty long chapter, it took me pretty long to write it sooo......
Little Lou Lou can't take all the drama.
Harry woke-up yay! I smell there is coming more Narry in the coming chapters ;)
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