Step back or I'll kill him

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Niall's POV
I'm terrified, not terrified to die the last time I was scared of dying was before they start bullying , i'm terrified of never being able to see Harry the love of my life. Only imagining a life without Harry makes me want to cut to bad.
He's my everything and the only reason I go on with my life. Without him it's like no oxygen in the air , you need it in order to stay alive. A silent tear rolls down my tear stained cheek. 'How much are you gonna cry? man-up please oh wait, you can't because you are gay and femine' Shane spitted.

"he's right man-up faggot"
" If harry was here he would be disappoitend in you because your such a weak idiot"

Why does my brain needs to be so fucked up? more tears roll down my cheeks. Shane starts laughing , I bite my lip and the metallic taste shows up immediately. 'I thought hurting Harry was amusing but this is lots more fun man , I can make you cry so fast I only have to spit the word faggot and you cry. Harry was easy but you are a piece of cake' he said with a grin. He's right i'm so easy , i'm not worth anything what's the point of living if no one cares right? And if Harry cares he would be better af without me.

'Niall , here' Shane throw a razor gentley on my lap and I look at him with a bloodshotted eyes 'You jerk!' I yelled with a breaking voice , I can't believe he is doing this to me. 'I'm waiting' he said smiling devilish. My eyes trail to the shiny metal that lays on my lap , I need it bad but I don't want to give him what he wants , but I need it so bad. It's like it screams at me tell me to feel the cold metal against my wrist. My vision is blurry of tears who are threaten to fall , I look at him with a trembling lips.

'Wait I forgot , you can't do anything with tied hands right?' he said , he unties my hands. I look at the metal once again and shines so bright in the light. I take it in my hand and the special feeling in my stomach is back , everytime I touch the iron I feel that in my stomach.

Harry's POV
My eyes flutter open I wake up on the couch Gemma watches silently tv. 'What happned? ouch my head hurts' I said. 'Oh your awake' she said 'I'm happy to see you too sissy' I said sarcastic. Niall, Louis, Shane.
'Any new news about Lou?' I asked.
She tells me about Louis 'So he's been honest?' I asked 'I don't know think so' Gemma said. I sigh deep and walk upstaires 'What are you gonna do?' Gemma yelled 'Like you care!' I yelled back.
I lay lifeless on my bed , what if I never gonna have a chance to see his beautiful face again? I can't live without him, he makes me stronger.
Before I know , i'm sobbing.
My phone rings:

"Lonely Styles , are you gonna get me to put me in my grave"
"Wtf Harreh , we have great news they know where Niall is and about a few minutes they gonna go and save him"
Liam said a smile creeps over my face.
"You serious?! I'm gonna go to the police office now" I said excited.
"Good luck Romeo" Liam said.

I talked with the police officers about the plan , I have to stay save in a car with an officer. Such a pity.
'Ready man?' Officer Hood asked.
They all answered with "yes sir".
After a what felt like 3 hours but in reality was half an hour are we at the place Niall is getting hostage.
'I go right with Irwin and Davidson, you Hemmings go left with Clifford and the rest' officer Hood said.
I'm staying with an oversized guy in a car who smells like cheese , yay.
My heart beats harder with the minute 'Niall they are coming for you hold on' I whispered.

Niall's POV
Shane didn't removed the razor from my lap , neither did he tied up my hands. I try to untie my arms but it doesn't work. 'Nialler' Shane said in a sing-a-song voice making chills run down my back.
His hand trails down my bruised cheek , I whine. 'I love it how I torn you in pieces' he said grinning. A guy runs in 'Shane! Police outside we have to go now!' He yelled 'Serious Brandon! Coulden't you say that earlier' Shane yelled and I can't help but laugh.
'There goes your amazing plan dipshit' I said with a smirk. He's eyes spit fire and he unties the rope around me fast.
I want to stand up and run but he shoves me against the wall.
The burning pain in my cheek in unbearable , he chuckles 'You didn't thought I would let you go so easy?' He said , I swear under my breath.
'Hands up where I can see them' a police officer said a gun pointed at Shane. Shane laughs bitter 'Step back or i'll kill him' he takes a gun out of his pocket and place it against my head , I let out a cry.
'Okay we take a step back' The officer said nodding at the 2 man behind him.
'Wonderful , let me and him escape or i'll kill him anyway' I try to get out of his arms 'One more move Horan and I'll kill you' I feel myself getting sick of fear.
I'm never gonna get out of this , never.
A tear rolls down my cheek , the police officers still are pointing their guns on Shane. That's when something so crazy pops up in my head that I think it's genius.
'If I can't be with Harry and have to be with you I rather do this' I takes his arm so fast and on that moment he pulls the trigger , I feel the bullet ending up in my chest.
I collapse to the ground , my vision is blurry. I feel myself getting lifted 'Keep your eyes open' the officer yelled in my ears 'Too heavy' I answered.
He runs fast , when we are outside I can see a blurry figure coming closer.
'Niall listen babe keep that beautiful eyes open' Harry , the blurry figure is Harry. 'I'm s-sorry' I said but i'm sure it came out as a whisper.
'N-no you are n-n-not leaving me alone o-o-okay!' He said in panic.
My eyes are closing slowly as I get put in the ambulance.
All the voices I once heard disappear like snow for the sun, I open my mouth for the last time.
'I love you Harry' I said.

Hi! I'm ill so I worked on this update
And we are working to the end of this story :/
I promised to make 50 chapters and we are now at the 43 chapters.
Anyway comment and vote please:))

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