it's my fault

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Liam's POV

Harry came in drunk as fuck and in tears I have no fucking clue why but at the moment he's sleeping.

Would Niall be in his own house? I gotta check up if he's okay. I run as fast I can to him house the door is locked what means that he's home.'Niall' I said pressing the doorbell. 'Niall open it it's Liam' I said i'm growing nervous and worried. I decide to use the key I got from him just in case of emergency. I open it up but there's no one , I check his bedroom no one , I hear a kind of whine coming out of the bathroom my stomach twists. I run inside and my heart litarrly stopped beating , Nialls arms full of fresh blood , razor blade in a pool of blood , he's sitting on the ground simply to weak I guess.

'NIALL STAY WITH ME! WHY DID YOU CUT? TALK TO ME' I yelled in panic his hand touched my cheek with fresh tears 'Liam it's okay life isn't for everyone' he said 'NO , but it is for you can't leave me all alone' I begged him. I called an ambulance and made sure Niall stays awake but that's pretty damn hard. 'It wasn't meant to happen like this Li, I couldn't take the pain I never wanted to make this much I lost control and I lost Harry' he said weakly 'What did Harry do?' I asked worried 'he cheated on me with Audrey' he said sleepy , his eyes are slowly closing 'DONT DARE LEAVING' I yelled.

At that moment the paramedics come running pushing me aside 'CPR' one of the paramedics yelled.

i'm gonna pass out definitely , my breaths hitches I can't seem to catch my breath anymore 'The guy is passing out' that's the last thing I heared before passing out.

Audrey's POV (before the party and after )

'She's nothing to me why are you so suspicious' he said irritated 'Because she's beautiful!!! she's smart and she can give you so much' I yelled. I wasn't lying she is beautiful and probably smart.

It's not fair 'but I love you' Louis said 'I am not enough for you Lou and you know that' I said. 'That's bullshit' he said 'Your bullshit!' I yelled at him 'Why would I like Eleanor more than you' he said. 'BECAUSE SHE JUST ASKED YOU IF YOU WOULD LIKE THE TRY AGAIN' I said. 'You still like her deep deep deep inside and you know that' I said with a cracking voice.

'Maybe but-' 'No I don't want to hear it' I said storming out I need to get drunk real drunk.

After a few margarita's I feel i'm getting giggly. I see a tall guy I can't really make out how he looks like cus' i'm to drunk. 'Ay sex on legs , you want to dance with me' I said flirty.

'Sure babe' he answered , I push myself behind me through the sweaty bodies and start dancing with the guy. His hands are on my hips. He brings his lips to my ear 'Your so hot babe' I moan when he pushes his crotch against my ass. I turn around and we start French kissing.

I moan loud , he smirks at the sound until he gets pulled away 'How dare you?' the boy throws his martini ( I guess) over the guy, everyone around start to gasp 'It's over ! fuck you Harry Edward Styles' the boy screamed he turns to me 'How could you do this? you have a boyfriend yourself' the boy is crying?. Wait fuck! blond hair blue watery eyes , It's Niall.
Damn it! I ruined their relationship , tears roll down my face and I run out.
Louis have to know about this , though I know he's gonna freak out.

All the alcohol seemed to left my body , I'm getting closer to the house.
I open the door , Louis sits on the couch watching soccer. 'Louis' I said with cracking voice , he looks up worried 'What's wrong love?' He asked.
I start sobbing 'I-I...I-it was a-an accident' I stutter , he looks confused.
'Harry and I... We kissed and danced' I said crying heavily.
Louis stays silent 'I-I was piss drunk , he was too he didn't even know it was me and I didn't at first to but Niall showed up and broke up with Harry' I said through hiccups , hands covering my face.
Louis hugs and rubs my back 'I'm disappointed that you danced and kissed him but you were drunk and so was he so I will just forget and forgive you' I smile in his chest 'T-Thank you so much , your my everything just remember' I sobbed , he looks me deep in the eyes , his blue meets mine 'Dry your tears and just kiss me' He said.
I wipe my eyes , cheeks and start kissing him , butterflies in my stomach make me smirk through the kiss.

Liam's POV
Reality hits me hard , this wasn't meant to happen to Niall , Niall is a good boy with a tough life. I never knew what was going on that's what I today learned , don't think you know someone there's more than you see.
A doctor comes out of the room Niall is lays 'Mr Payne? are you family or boyfriend' I decide to just lie 'I'm his boyfriend' I lied 'You know of his self-harm problem?' The doctor asked 'I just discovered' I said swallowing thickly. 'He's in a critacle situation , he lost so many blood that if he survives that that's a miracle , if he survive tonight than he will be okay and otherwise it's over' the doctor said , I start sobbing 'I'm sorry' the doctor.
'We found this in his pocket , it's a note we didn't read it' the doctor he hands me the paper.

If you find this paper and i'm about to die can you go to my house and open my luggage and in the front pocket there's a note a really important one

My heart beats harder , he said it wasn't planned he lied.
I start crying again , my body shakes and cold chills run down my spine.
'Why? Why? Why?' I cried , my world just fell apart my best friend.
I need him , I need him. He survives he's strong this isn't the first time he's in this hospital. He makes it i'm sure.

Next chapter is the end , I hope you all this story and after this one i'll start my 2 << yes you read it good 2 fanfics. Comment and vote

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