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Liam's POV
I watch Niall taking Harry inside and lay him down on his bed. Niall places a kiss on Harry's head and he response with a smile.
'Go sleep baby' Niall said , Harry nods.
'Ni we have to talk for a moment' I said.

'Yes?' He asked , I sigh I hate ruing the good mood 'Harry hasn't been himself since you were in the hospital , he didn't eat normal , he was almost 24/7 upstairs in his room , he acted very weird and bipolar' I explained , Niall eyes stand guilty 'Oh my god... I messed him up' he said 'No! Harry just doesn't feel complete without you and I think it's cute' I said with a weak smile.
'N-Niall?' Harry stood in the door opening. Niall smiles at him 'What's wrong babe?' He asked Harry walks to him and hug him tight.
They whisper things and I smile.
Harry looks up at me and smiles 'Thank you Liam for everything , i'm sorry for getting angry' He said awkwardly.
'Well I didn't quite help you when you had a hard time so I have no idea why you thank me' I said.
'You coulden't help me anyway... you can't fix something that's already broken' the last sentence he whispered.
I decide to hug him 'But I know someone who can fix you, he's a blond haired giggly obsessed Irish boy who can't live without you' Harry laughs.

Harry's POV
Liam is right , Niall the only one who can fix me but do he wants to? I mean it's gonna take awhile until i'm fixed.
'Haz what are you thinking babe?' Niall asked , I look at him a bit anxious. Liam left without me noticing.
'Is it something that is only meant for my ears? Let's go to my room' Niall said grabbing wrist fast , I whine the fresh cuts who sting.
'You okay?' Niall asked worried , letting my wrist go 'm fine' I said with a fake smile. 'Don't bullshit me' Niall said , he pats a place on the bed. I sit down next to him.
'Tell me what you thought minutes ago' Niall said , I sigh heavily this is gonna be awkward.
''t... have...f-fix...-' Niall cuts me off 'Spit it Harry don't be scared' Niall said rubbing his thumb over my hand.
'I was t-thinking about what Liam said, he said he coulden't fix me but he said you can but' I have to swallow for a moment 'b-but I don't w-want to be a b-burden or something' I spoke with a shaky voice , tears are burning behind my eyes. 'Harry don't be silly! you being a burden are you insane? I feel like were fixing each other' Niall said grabbing my chin to make sure I look in his eyes.
'I find out about something, why didn't you tell me?' Niall said suddenly with sadness in his blue eyes.
'What?' I asked anxious , Niall looks at me in a you-know-where-i'm-talking-about way. 'You self-harm' I feel my heart shatter , he find out.
Niall rubs his face in irritation i'm sure.
'I'm not gonna deny it' I said.
'Why didn't you tell me atleast we had to be honest to each other?' Niall said pained.
'I'm sorry I was planning to tell you believe me' I said , Niall shakes his head with a mean smile 'You don't even believe yourself' He said.
I'm angry , angry because he's right I don't even believe myself.
'Okay you know what , I wasn't going to tell you! Is that what you want me to say?' I yelled at him , he shrugs 'Yes but it's a bit late don't ya think' he said.

At this moment I want to hit him serious he doesn't seem to understand that I have problems too.
'You make me furious' I decide to just say it, so he's warned. 'The truth isn't always unicorns and rainbows' he said.
My blood is boiling , I want to scream it but I don't.
'Like you've been honest I still don't know who's Max' I said , I see him tensing up 'That's something else' he said still shocked.
'Is it?' I asked with a prise winning grin 'Arsehole' Niall said through gritted teeth. He stays silent.
'I'm waiting' I said still grinning.
'At this moment I want to hit you cus' it's about you and not about me' Niall said angrily.
'No , you act like i'm a bad person I mean we both didn't tell a secret' I said.
'But you lied about cutting , jesus I don't understand you Harry! I've been honest about everything except of Max' His eyes are getting watery , I don't know if it's because of anger or betray or both.
'Niall i'm sorry' I want to hug but he pushes me away 'Just don't!' He yelled tears rolling down his cheeks.

Liam's POV
I heared them yell at each other , I want to go in and interup whatever is going on but something in me tells me to be patience.
That untill Niall comes out crying 'I'm going for a walk' he said to me cracking voice 'Wait!' I yelled but he doesn't turn around. Harry also comes out of the room , I feel myself getting angry.
I push him to the wall 'Why is Niall crying?' I spat with a sneer on my face.
Harry eyes are on the ground 'Talk to me!' I yelled.
I notice something , Harry is trembling
uncontrollably , he's terrified. I pull my arms off him.
He's having breathing problems 'Harry breath in and slowly out' I said concerned. 'Don't hurt me please' He mumbled frightnend.
'I won't hurt you i'm sorry I was just angry because Niall left and I thought you hurt him' I explained.

My apologize for the late update and the fact that it sucks.
We are working to the end of this story and I still have no clue how to end this so I need a little help. I want you to vote for the thing that you would like the most.

One of the characters dies

A couple breaks up and get an affaire with someone who's already in a relationship

Happy ending ( marrying , kids etc. )

Shane breaks out of jail

The Horan family is gonna play a bad role in Narry's relation.

Tell me what you would like , I don't say i'm gonna use it cos' it has to be a bit of a twist.
Comment and vote

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