Part 1 - Resurrection

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Authors note: This story begins right after Mallory runs Michael over, and I had to speed the timeline up between Coven and Apocalypse so that this takes place about one year after Coven ended.


I look both ways before crossing the road. Santa Monica was extremely busy today (as it is every day), so there is constant traffic with only a few rare breaks. Luckily, I catch one of these breaks at an intersection only a few blocks from my bus stop. After making sure no cars are in sight, I begin to cross the street. Hm, that's strange; nobody else is crossing even though this is the perfect opportunity.

Out of nowhere, a black Range Rover appears, speeding straight toward me. I quickly shoot out my hand, using telekinesis to stop the car.

However, the car doesn't stop. I furrow a brow and look in the driver's seat to see that nobody is there.
Why the hell are they testing self-driving cars in Santa Monica and not Silicon Valley?

I quickly realize that I need to do something unless I want to get run over by the driverless car, so I settle on transmutating out of the way. However, nothing happens. I begin to mutter, "What the f-"

I'm cut short as the car runs right into me. I fly onto the hood before rolling off to the side.  The car continues speeding by, ignoring the fact that they literally just ran me over.  Great. A hit and run by some fucked up test run on a self-driving car.

My attention soon turns back to myself as my pain makes itself known; it feels as if every bone in my body has been broken. I raise my hand, ignoring my pain as I perform a spell to heal myself. Much to my dismay, nothing happens. What the hell is going on? My magic never fails me.

I look up to see the car switching into reverse. There's no way the car is about to run me over again. As I watch it hit the gas and begin reversing toward me, I realize it very much is. Oh shit, this isn't just some random hit and run; it's a full-blown murder. Somebody wants me dead.

Not wanting to let this person to get their way, I use all my strength to try to pull myself off to the side, but it's like something is holding me to the spot where I lay on the pavement. I try to transmutate, but I find that my magic is still being dysfunctional. I swear, of all the times for my magic to act up, it had to choose now.

I stare in horror at the car racing towards me, unable to move as it runs me over again. This time hurts much worse than the first time, and it quickly becomes clear that much more damage has been done with this hit.

I shakily exhale, the only thought in my mind pain. "Fuck me," I mutter under my breath as I try to transmutate once more. Nothing.

I look back up at the car, my gaze landing on the empty driver's seat. Wait a minute... as far as I know, Range Rover is not working on any self-driving car models, which means this is the doing of somebody supernatural. Who the hell wants me dead this bad?

The sound of the car engine approaches me yet again, and I squeeze my eyes shut as I feel the unforgettable pain of being run over one final time. After seeing that I'm in no shape to recover, the car finally leaves.

I lay in the middle of the road in agony as the normal traffic flow returns, as if it were being held back by something while I was being run over. Another supernatural anomaly.

Suddenly, the pedestrians finally seem to notice me as they run up to me. At the same time, a car stops in front of me and people pile out, screaming to call 911.

I look up into the sunlight, their screams fading away. I blink and see an older woman with red hair dressed in all black standing above me. The Angel of Death. I can slightly see the wings behind her back.

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