Part 13 - Nightmares

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"Damn girl," Queenie says, not even bothering to greet me and Michael as we walk through the front door of Robichaux's. "You two are literally going viral."

"Everyone wants to know who the mysterious couple was at the Hotel Cortez at the Halloween Show," Zoe elaborates.

"They've searched all the guest lists and can't find your names anywhere, which only adds to the craze," Queenie finishes.

"Sounds like a bunch of bullshit to me," Madison announces her presence as she enters the main hallway. "There's nothing that special about them," she scoffs, motioning between me and Michael.

"Yeah, besides the fact that he's the Antichrist and I'm the only person more powerful than him," I reply sarcastically. "It's not like we're that important or anything."

Madison rolls her eyes as Zoe chuckles. "Check it out," Zoe says, holding out her phone so we can see the pictures. "People figured out that you were wearing Courtney's brand new line of unisex suits, so now he's getting tons of publicity."

"Concerning how far people will go digging over a couple at a fashion show," Michael mutters.

"Bitch, a hot couple at a fashion show," Queenie corrects him, earning chuckles from us.

On cue, Myrtle rushes into the room, having been on a phone call outside. "Oh, you'd never believe what Courtney just told me!" she exclaims.

"What is it?" I ask, deciding to entertain her by pretending I didn't already know.

"You and Michael are going 'viral'! He said that his new line has taken off thanks to you two, and he will gladly dress you for any occasion in the future!"

"That's wonderful, Myrtle!"

She rushes past us. "I must speak to Cordelia about this at once!"

"Nothing makes that woman happier than fashion," Queenie remarks, watching as the blur of red that is Myrtle rushes out of the room.

"She just spent the last year in hell; I'll entertain her fashion obsession for however long she needs," I chuckle.

"Just so you know, I would totally expose your identities if that wouldn't cause the whole public to realize that you're not even 6 years old," Madison states condescendingly as she pushes past us and walks upstairs.

Michael watches as Madison ascends the stairs, a slightly confused expression on his face. "What's her deal? She seems more irritable than usual."

"She's used to being the famous one," Queenie explains. "She's not enjoying being dethroned; especially since she lost so many followers after disappearing for a whole year."

Michael rolls his eyes. "Of course that's what she's worried about."

"We'll just put a little enchantment on her Instagram to make more people suddenly feel the desire to follow it," I shrug as I take out my phone. "That'll make her happy until the media grows bored of me and Michael."

"Just don't tell her if you do that," Zoe warns. "Or else she'll go crazy on you. Trust me, it's not worth the hassle."

I roll my eyes, my fingers typing Madison's username into Instagram. "I think I can handle one of Madison's hissy fits."

"Suit yourself," Queenie says. "But if she finds out, we'll just say that I was never here for this conversation."

"Same," Zoe agrees.

"Pushovers," I mutter as I place the spell.


I walk into the dining room as Zoe and Queenie are teaching a group of young witches how to perform a spell. I look around the table and furrow my brow, not recognizing most of them. What the hell is going on?

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