Part 31 - Tempus Futurum

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I run forward and collapse to my knees next to Cordelia.  "No, she can't be," I shake my head desperately.  "Somebody perform Vitalum Vitalis!" I yell at the witches.

Mallory steps forward as if my words just shook her out of a trance.  "I'll do it," she says, trying to remain calm.

After a few seconds, she furrows her brow.

"Don't tell me it isn't working," I snap.

She tries again, but to no avail.  "Something's wrong," she shakes her head.

"Somebody else try!" I yell.  My gaze turns to Misty.  "You don't need Vitalum Vitalis to resurrect her."

Misty nods nervously, then steps forward to kneel by Cordelia's side.  She holds her shaky arms over Cordelia's body, trying desperately to hold back her tears.  If I weren't in such a desperate state, I would feel bad for her, but right now all I can think about is trying to bring Cordelia back.

"Don't fucking tell me you can't bring her back either," I snap, trying to stop myself from taking my anger out on her.

"Something's wrong," she mutters. "It's like she isn't dead."

I furrow my brow. From what I can see, Cordelia looks very much dead, and Michael was able to sense that she was dead.

"Wait a minute," I mutter. I turn to Mallory. "Do you feel anything?"

"No?" she questions. Realization sets across her face. "I should be feeling something if Cordelia's dead."

"Wait, what?" Madison asks.

"Mallory's the next Supreme, remember?" I scoff.

"Oh yeah, how could I forget?" she retorts sarcastically.

Mallory ignores us as she leans over Cordelia. "She's dead, but she's not dead. What the hell is happening?"

Everyone in the room turns to Michael. He takes a step back as he realizes that everyone's gaze is fixed on him. "What are you looking at me for?" he asks.

"Dear, you happen to be the spawn of Satan; who else would we look to for guidance about the dead?" Myrtle replies cooly.

He rolls his eyes as he steps forward. "I've never dealt with something like this before. She's definitely dead, I can easily sense that. Something must be off, perhaps her soul is trapped somewhere other than hell."

"Where the hell is she then?" Queenie asks.

"If I knew, I'd tell you," Michael responds.

Zoe sighs as she looks at Cordelia's body. "Where the hell are we supposed to go from here? We have no idea where her soul is."

"Could you guys figure out anything about what she was seeing in the vision?" I ask.

Myrtle shakes her head. "Her skin was hot to the touch, and that's about all that I could tell you. Besides that, she was just convulsing."

"Another apocalyptic vision?" I question. "She mentioned fire in her last vision, so perhaps this was a continuation of sorts."

"That's my best guess," Myrtle agrees.

I sit down and begin to form an idea. "You know how Tempus Infinitum takes you back in time?" I ask.

"Yes?" Myrtle and Mallory answer.

"If Cordelia was in a vision of the future, then perhaps her soul is trapped in the future. Is there some version of Tempus Infinitum that could take us into the future?" I ask.

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