Part 4 - Paper Airplanes

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"Bitch, how the hell are you already so good at this?" Queenie asks as I appear back in my house. She and Michael are sitting on the floor practicing their powers, and I see Michael lighting a candle on fire then extinguishing it. "Are you sure you never used your powers before today?"

"I didn't even know I had powers until today," he replies earnestly. 

I clear my throat and they both look at me.

"Well, how'd it go?" Queenie asks.

I sigh. "I got a lot of information."

"Doesn't sound like good information," Queenie remarks.

"What's wrong?" Michael asks.

"We have to go to New Orleans to see Cordelia. The problem is the witch that ran you over, Michael - I'm worried that she might be there."

"Wait, a witch ran you over?" Queenie interrupts.

"Yes, but I didn't recognize her," I explain. "She may not be there, but there's a chance that she will. That's why I'd like to try to get Michael out of the way immediately so we don't risk her seeing him."

"I'll be a good distraction," Queenie offers as she picks the candle up from the floor. "Everyone will be so focused on me returning that most everyone will be focused in one place. I'm sure that you could find somewhere for Michael to lay low until you vet all of the witches to make sure the one trying to kill him isn't there."

"Perfect, thank you, Queenie."

"How will we get there?" Michael asks.

"We're all supernatural beings. We should be able to put our powers together to complete long-distance transmutation, especially since Michael and I are more powerful than witches."

Queenie's face gets visibly confused, and she turns to me. "Bitch, wait, you aren't a witch?"

"Shit, I forgot that only Cordelia knew," I mutter. 

"Well, when the hell were you gonna tell me? Or were you gonna leave me in the dark just like you did when you mysteriously left Robichaux's last year? Huh?"

I mentally curse myself as I apologize, "Sorry, Queenie, you'll be the first person I tell my secret to next time."

"Uh huh, why don't you start with this secret; what the hell are you if you aren't a witch?"

I let out a defeated sigh as I explain, "Cordelia can't figure it out. That's why I pretended to be a witch, since we didn't know what I was." I know it's sketchy that I didn't tell her the whole prophecy thing, but technically, not a lie was told.

"Is that why you left?" she asks.

"Yeah, that and Madison's disappearance. I thought witches were being hunted. Speaking of, what happened to Madison? Did you find her?"

Queenie bursts into laughter. "Oh, yeah, that bitch was dead," she laughs.

"Was?" I question.  Considering how powerful the coven is, somebody probably used Vitalum Vitalis on her.

"This witch from a swamp, the one that was burned at the stake before Zoe showed up, we found her and got her to revive Madison."

"How'd Madison die? Where is she now?" I ask, hopeful to reunite with her. Every once in a while our personalities clashed, but we got along well for the most part. 

Queenie laughs again. "Oh, girl, you missed everything - Fiona killed her! She thought Madison was the next Supreme."

"That bitch! She would kill one of her own just to live a little bit longer."

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