Part 5 - Miss Robichaux's Academy

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"I never thought I would miss this place so much," Queenie sighs as she looks around, taking in the academy.

"It sure is strange to be back," I murmur.

I close my eyes as I try to sense an unoccupied room in the academy. My eyes open as I say, "Queenie's room. Nobody's in Queenie's room, Michael."

He turns to me. "How do I know which room is hers?"

Although I've never done a spell like this before nor have even heard of it, I take Michael's hand and try to send a vision of Queenie's room to him.

"I see," he murmurs. "Okay, just come and get me when you're ready."

With that, he disappears.

Queenie sends me a skeptical glance. "You said you only met Michael today?"

"Yeah...? What about it?"

She shakes her head. "Nothing, just... it feels like you've known each other for longer."

She seems to not want to elaborate on that comment, so I let the conversation drop.

I turn my attention back to the gate in front of us. "Well, I guess it's time to see what's happened to the academy while we were gone." With a flick of my wrist, the front gate swings open. Queenie and I walk through and make our way down the front walkway.

I wave my hand and the front door of the academy opens to reveal Cordelia in the middle of crossing through the main hallway. She sends the opening door a skeptical glance before looking beyond it to see who it is that's opening it.

Her face lights up as she sees me and Queenie. "Holy shit! Girls, come down here right away!" she shouts. She sprints out to the front porch as witches appear all around her.

"Cordelia!" Queenie smiles, running towards Cordelia.

"Queenie!" Cordelia shouts, running to embrace Queenie. "Oh my god, I missed you so much."

"I missed you too. That hotel was terrible. Not to mention how fucking annoying all those ghosts were."

"Oh my god!" Zoe gasps from behind Cordelia. Cordelia releases Queenie to let her hug Zoe. "I can't believe you're back!"

While Queenie is greeting everyone, Cordelia rushes toward me. She immediately captures me in a hug, and I melt into her embrace; something about Cordelia's hugs is so comforting. "Thank you so much, Esmeray. I'm so glad to have you back home."

I smile as I reply, "It's good to be home."

She releases me and takes each of my shoulders into her hands. "How did you get her out? What did you find out about your father?"

I sigh as I send her a tired smile. "I have yet another hell of a story for you."


"So Michael doesn't know what he is?" Cordelia asks.

I nod, knowing that the soundproofing spell on her office is keeping anyone outside from hearing our conversation. "He doesn't know what I am either. I've been going with the narrative of us having similar abilities, but we don't know what kind of being we are. I just don't know how or when to tell him. What if he has a whole identity crisis?"

She slowly nods. "I don't think it is wise to tell him what he is yet. We need to be sure that he has chosen the good side before we do so."

I nod. "There's one more thing. The girl that ran him over - she may be a witch. I think she had some way to see the future and know that he was the Antichrist. It was obvious that she intended to kill him, so she had to have known. She was also wearing a black outfit that just screamed Myrtle's styling, which was a giveaway that she probably came from here."

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