Part 30 - Memories

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I finish getting ready and leave the bathroom.  When I reenter our bedroom, Madison is sitting alone on her bed, and Zoe is long gone.  I decide to not address Madison, and I just walk to the door.

Michael is standing outside of the door when I open it, about to knock.  "What's up?" I ask.

He chuckles.  "I happened to read Zoe's mind when she was running to her room," he says amusedly.  "I'm surprised you managed to keep it a secret for so long," he says to Madison.

"If you tell anybody-"

He scoffs.  "Who would I tell?  Esmeray?  She already knows.  However, I find it amusing that you are about to threaten me, the fucking Antichrist."

Madison opens her mouth to argue with him but he cuts her off. "I also am amused by how you've been using these last few days to torture Esmeray, even though you know that she is much more powerful than you and will easily overpower you when she can use her magic tomorrow."

"Your point?" Madison rolls her eyes.

"You'd be awfully stupid to be treating Esmeray like this if you thought she would try to get back at you, which is why I think you know that she won't get back at you."

"Excuse me?" I interrupt.  "The first thing I'm doing when I wake up tomorrow is getting back at this bitch."

"Yes, but we all know that you wouldn't do anything to actually harm her, so she's taking advantage of that."

"What are you getting at?" Madison asks, crossing her arms.

"Esmeray may not be able to kick your ass right now, but I would gladly do it.  She may show you slight mercy tomorrow, but I would not hesitate to tear you apart limb by limb before tearing your heart out and eating it in front of you."

"Jesus," Madison scoffs.  "Your Antichrist side seems to still be quite intact."

He chuckles as I roll my eyes.  "Michael, is that really necessary?" I ask.

"You're too understanding," he sighs.  "Sometimes, you need to put people in their place."

"By threatening to tear her heart out and eat it?" I question.

Madison rolls her eyes.  "Fine, lover boy, I'll stop torturing Esmeray if you give us a minute alone."

He nods.  "If you try to pull anything-"

"You'll eat my heart, I get it," she interrupts. 

He smirks and leaves the room.  Madison flicks her wrist to close the door behind him.

"He doesn't understand how you enjoy messing with people," I roll my eyes as I sit on my bed.  "I really don't mind, just so you know."

She scoffs and sits across from me.  "Yeah, you've always been really understanding about how I can, you know, be a bitch sometimes."

I chuckle.  "Remember how we met?" I ask.

"Oh god, weren't you like 12 or something?" she scoffs.

"Yeah, it was a year before Zoe joined. That was when you first joined," I reminisce.

"Oh yeah, and I snuck out to a party that night and you bailed me out of trouble," she recalls.

"Oh, there was more to it than that," I chuckle. "Here, let's memory share."

"But you can't use magic," she shakes her head.

"You can perform it while accessing my memory," I instruct. "Here, take my hand."

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