Part 7 - Hell

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After explaining everything that happened in Hell to all of the witches, I decide to calm down by taking a bath.  I turn the water on for the bathtub while I'm laying out my towel and robe. I reach down into the bathtub to close the drain, but a vision hits me as soon as I touch it. I see Fiona and the voodoo queen, Marie Laveau, drowning Nan in this very bathtub.

I gasp and jump back, reeling from what I just saw; I've never just touched something and gotten a vision before.

I quickly go back and touch the bathtub, then see the vision again. Now, Papa Legba appears next to Fiona and Marie. Their conversation is muffled and distorted, but I can make out Papa Legba saying something about how Nan's soul wasn't innocent.  Fiona responds, then Papa Legba caves. Nan appears behind him, and they leave together.

I back away from the bathtub, breathing heavily. "What the hell happened in here?" Queenie asks, walking into the bathroom. We're currently sharing a room, so she must've heard me gasp.

I shake my head. "Was this the bathtub Nan died in?" I ask.

She nods. "How'd you know?"

"Just a vision," I sigh as I walk back over to the bathtub.

She rolls her eyes. "Okay bitch, just keep it down in here.  I'm trying to sleep."

I chuckle and nod, then I get in the bath after she's gone.


"Cordelia," I announce as I burst into her office. The whole time I was taking a bath, I was forming my plan for how to get Nan back.

"Esmeray, what is it?" she asks, slightly startled. "God, it's almost midnight."

"It's about Nan."

She perks up. "What about her?"

"Fiona and Marie killed her to give to Papa Legba," I state.

"What?" she questions, standing from her desk.

"I had a vision while I was taking a bath," I explain. "I saw it all go down. I couldn't really hear what they were saying, but Papa Legba had Nan's soul with him and they left together."

Cordelia just shakes her head. "How do you suggest that we get her back?"

"Satan revealed to me that I was able to help Michael defy death because I overpowered Papa Legba. That means that I am stronger than him, and I can most likely take Nan back from him."

She ponders my response for a few seconds before nodding cautiously.  "Are you sure about this? You get into a fight with Papa Legba, and you're getting yourself into some serious shit," she warns.

I nod firmly. "Poor Nan didn't deserve to be killed like that. I bet she's miserable right now."

Cordelia nods, clearly not needing any more convincing. "How do you plan on getting his attention?"

"I may know how to do that," Queenie says from the doorway.

I turn on my heel to face her.  "Queenie, why the hell are you eavesdropping?" I roll my eyes.

"Bitch, you're the most interesting thing to happen to this place in a while. Besides, you woke me up when you ran out of our room to come down here." She walks in and sits on the sofa. "Do you guys want to summon Papa Legba right now?" she offers.

"Why the hell not?" I shrug. "Of course, if that's okay with you, Cordelia," I add.

"Go ahead," she chuckles, sitting next to Queenie. "How do you know how to do this?"

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