Part 47 - Irony

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Mallory springs into action and begins to run for the construction site, but I transmutate in front of her, grabbing each of her shoulders.  "Mallory, she's already dead.  They're both dead, or at least as dead as Marie can be," I explain in my best attempt at a calming voice.

Tears build up in her eyes as she tries to push past me.  "No, she can't be," she cries.

I quickly grab her chin and flow soothing energy into her, not having time to calm her down.  She exhales slowly, relaxation settling in at an unnatural speed.

"You good?" I ask quietly.

She nods, wiping her tears away as she turns back towards the witches.

"And just like that, it became six," Satan remarks from down the street.

Mallory's sad eyes immediately turn furious as she glared at Satan. "I'm going to kill this bitch," Mallory spits as pushes me off of her, running at Satan with everything in her.

He chuckles mockingly as he throws his arm out and Mallory flies back.  She rolls across the ground before landing flat on her face.  "That's pretty weak for a future Supreme," he scoffs.

As Mallory's angrily picking her head up, Myrtle sends her a concerned glance; she knows that Mallory's at the point of making a move that'll get her killed. Before Mallory can do something stupid, Myrtle throws on her angry face as she turns to Satan.

"You pathetic, pompous ass!" She accuses, dramatically lighting the ground under Satan on fire.

He steps out and laughs.  "I'm quite used to fire," he tsks.  "It appears that you are as well; it's only appropriate for you to die by fire yet again."

I throw out my arm to protect Myrtle a second too late; Satan throws her across the street into a burning building. The building collapses from the impact of Myrtle flying into it, leaving no doubt that she is dead.

Satan disappears with a smirk, knowing how much of an effect Myrtle's death will have on Cordelia; that's probably why he targeted her and left Mallory alone.

"NO!" Cordelia screams, her voice seeping with emotion as she runs to the building, her agony evident in her face. 

I immediately transmutate to Cordelia, grabbing her to stop her from running in.  "Cordelia, she's gone!" I yell as she struggles to break away from my grasp. 

She stops fighting as she turns to me, tears streaming down her cheeks.  "There has to be something I can do!" she protests.

I shake my head. "Cordelia, I'm so sorry," I console her. "I know, she was like a grandmother to me as she was a mother to you."

Cordelia nods, quickly wiping her tears away. Luckily, even when she's this emotional she's still level-headed enough to realize that we need to keep going. 

Misty runs over to us, immediately embracing Cordelia.  "I knew this was going to happen," Cordelia sighs into Misty's shoulder.  "I was just never prepared for it to hurt this much."

Seeing that Misty has comforting Cordelia, I walk over to Michael and Mallory.  "He's planning on coming back," Michael states.  "I can sense it."

"We'd better get moving," I agree.

"Jackson Square is far from here," Mallory inputs. "We'll probably have to transmutate. Besides, the fire's growing so we're running out of time."

We all turn to look down the street as a whole row of buildings collapse, the debris landing on the road. I sigh as I turn back to the witches. "Yeah, it looks like walking is out of the picture."

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