Part 40 - Return to Kineros (pt 2)

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"What the hell happened to you two?" Ms. Venable asks as she looks over me and Michael.  If I didn't know better, I'd think that she was actually concerned about us; however, I can read her mind to see that she's just worried about how hard it will be to get our blood off the white floors.

"We need to see Jeff and Mutt," Michael states.  "Now."

She begins to pick up her phone, but I just roll my eyes and walk past her.  "You can't go back there yet!" Ms. Venable yells as she begins to stand.

I scoff.  "You may want to worry about that fire on your desk first."

She turns to her desk, confused since there is no fire.  "What fire-"

I flick my wrist and she gasps as a fire erupts on the desk.

Michael chuckles as he transmutates out to me.  "You're going to give that woman a heart attack."

"I'm not in the fucking mood," I mutter as I turn the corner to Jeff and Mutt's office.

Michael throws the doors open with a flick of his wrist, and we both enter the room together.  Jeff and Mutt don't even bat an eye at our sudden appearance; in fact, they don't even bat an eye at anything.  I walk over to Jeff and wave my hand in front of his face, but he does nothing.

"What the hell did Satan do to them?" I ask.

Michael walks around Mutt curiously.  "There's not an ounce of coke in sight," he observes.

I slowly press a finger to Jeff's forehead, then gasp as I feel the "identity spell" release him.  Technically, Satan put an identity spell on him, but all that it did was make him a mindless clone.

I slowly back up and Jeff gasps as he's returning to his senses.  "Where the fuck did he go?" he asks as he flies to his feet and grabs a robotic arm sitting on his desk.

"Are you planning on defeating Satan with a robotic arm?" I mock.

He sets it down.  "What the hell are you doing here?" he asks, looking between me and Michael.

"What did you just do?" Michael asks me.

"Satan put a poor identity spell on them.  It didn't give them a new identity; it just took away their old ones."

Michael nods and presses a finger to Mutt's forehead, releasing him from the spell.  Mutt gasps and backs up, then he looks between me and Michael.  "Don't put that shit over me again!" he yells as he holds up his hands defensively.

"Like you could stop us," Michael scoffs.  "Luckily for you, we have no interest in putting you back under those identity spells."

"What do you want then?" Jeff asks.

"What did Satan do to you, and what did he want from you?" I question.

"Wait, that was Satan?" Mutt asks as he shakes his head in disbelief.

"Shit, there's no way that's the dude we sold our souls to," Jeff shakes his head.  "He would never just use us like that."

I chuckle.  "You should be more careful about who you put your faith in."

"Wait, but I thought you were the Antichrist and shit?" Mutt asks as he looks between us.

Michael scoffs.  "I still am the Antichrist; I just went rogue."

"And daddy dearest is not too happy about it," I roll my eyes.

"Look, can't you just exclude us from your family problems?" Jeff sighs.  "I would not like to have that spell or whatever put on me again."

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