Part 6 - Truth

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"The one and only," he replies without missing a beat. His voice is smooth and regal, a cold edge to it that makes shudders run down my spine. However, something about his demeanor is casual, almost in a mocking way.

"Is that your true form?" I ask, realizing that he looks surprisingly human.

"No," he scoffs. "I take on whatever appearance I please. I wanted to have a civil discussion with you, hence my human form."

I raise a brow. "And what civil discussion have you brought me here for?"

"I think you already know," he replies casually as he walks past me. I shudder as I feel the darkness radiating off of him brushing past me. "You are trying to change my son's fate."

"He already destroyed the world once for you," I respond, putting on a brave face and ignoring the goosebumps spreading across my skin.

"Yes, but that has all been completely undone now thanks to that witch," he replies dismissively. "I need him to do it again."

"High maintenance much?" I ask sarcastically. "Most parents would take the win with their son ending the world once for them."

He sighs as he sends me a condescending look. "You weren't raised by Asian parents and it shows."

"Look, hate to break it to you, but Michael doesn't want to end the world anymore. This version of him is hellbent on being good."

"Oh yes, humanity," he scoffs. "Not to worry, I'll have his humanity destroyed within the year."

"That's not possible."

"Oh, but it is. Don't believe me? I did it before. I caused him to cause his grandmother to kill herself, then I got him to live in the Murder House. That house was built over the portal to Hell, so I easily destroyed his humanity during his time spent there."

I am shocked that he is telling me this information that I could easily use to mess up his plan. "That is some extremely sensitive information you are telling me here. It seems almost as if you know that I won't be able to stop you from causing him to go back to the Murder House," I suggest warily.

He looks at me, an amused expression on his face.

"You're planning on killing me or trapping my soul down here, aren't you?" I sigh.

He smirks as he clasps his hands behind his back. "Clever girl," he remarks. "Perhaps clever enough to realize that it would be in your best interests to allow me to carry out my plan with Michael. You don't interfere, and I don't kill you."

I chuckle. "That's pretty rich, considering that I'm the only reason your plan hasn't completely fallen apart. I am the reason that Michael was able to be revived after Mallory ran him over."

"Well, I wouldn't have needed you if it weren't for that damn Papa Legba. He and his little helper witch were prepared to trap Michael in hell once he died. I just needed you to overpower their Voodoo."

I quickly shake my head.  "Helper witch?" I question.

"Yes," he smirks, realizing my interest in the topic. "The witch who was killed by her own Supreme: Nan. She has become Papa Legba's favorite helper. You know, I could easily get Nan back for you."


"You allow me to carry out my plan, and I'll do it for you."

I study his face for a minute before scoffing. "I know better than to make a deal with the devil.  Besides, you're bluffing anyways. You can't overpower Papa Legba; otherwise, you wouldn't have needed me to revive Michael. However, I'm guessing that I can overpower him since I was able to help Michael cheat death."

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