Part 36 - Witch Bitch

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Marie struts out from the house until she reaches the middle of the front yard, then she stops and turns back to the house, flipping her hair behind her back. She sprinkles something around her in a circle, then utters incantations under her breath. Once she finishes, she throws her arms down at her sides, and the fire explodes from the house.

Within seconds, Constance comes running out the front door. She stops running once she catches sight of Marie, and she turns to her and points her finger at her. "You little voodoo devil," she accuses. "What have you done to my house?"

Marie chuckles as she turns to Constance. "You can't siphon my voodoo, witch bitch," she spits.

Constance throws out her arm to throw Marie back, but Marie stands her ground. "Why is my magic not working on you?" Constance asks angrily.

Marie scoffs as if she is offended that Constance thinks she has the power to harm her. "You're dealing with the HBIC now."

Constance narrows her eyes at Marie, and I turn to Michael and Madison. They both nod, agreeing that it is time for us to attack Constance. We all raise our arms and Constance flies toward us. She flies through the gate and lands on the sidewalk at our feet.

"You sneaky little bitches," she seethes, looking up at us.

Michael rolls his eyes. "Grandmother, you're as pleasant as ever."

"You remember the incantations for binding her to hell, right?" I ask Madison.

Madison nods. "I'm looking forward to sending this bitch back to where she belongs."

We all summon knives and raise them above our heads. As we are about to bring them down on her, we are interrupted by voices behind us. "Release her!"

We all turn to see the group of Satanists walking down the street, capes draped over their faces and everything. "You've got to be fucking kidding me," I scoff. "They could not be drawing any more attention to themselves than they already are."

"Not to mention the tacky get-ups," Madison rolls her eyes. She opens her mouth to continue, but then she gasps and holds her hand to her forehead, scrunching her features in pain.

"Madison?" I ask, leaning down beside her as she bends over. She falls to the ground and blood begins streaming from her nose.

I quickly turn to see Constance standing up behind us. "That little blonde bitch had it coming," she states, disappearing from view.

"Fuck!" I shout, turning back to Madison. I quickly kneel next to her. "Madison?" She doesn't respond, and I realize her life force is dwindling. "I'm not having you fucking die at the Murder House twice in a month," I mutter.

"Can we handle her later?" Marie asks, appearing next to Michael. "The Satanists are about to reach the Murder House."

I look up at her and Michael. "You guys handle them. I'll be there in a minute."

"Esmeray-" Michael begins.

"Just go!" I snap.

"Don't need to tell me twice," Marie scoffs as she transmutates away. Michael sighs and follows suit.

I turn back to Madison and roll her over so that she is facing me. I lean over her and find the source of what injured her: an aneurysm. Constance has some real power to be able to give her an aneurysm without so much as touching her. I sigh and hold my hand over her head and heal her.

"Holy shit!" she gasps, eyes flying open. She quickly sits up and brushes herself off. "I am going to kill that bitch."

I help her to her feet, but she doesn't need much assistance. "You're welcome," I roll my eyes.

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