Part 50 - Eternity

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"Hey! You're back from Bora Bora," Queenie greets me and Michael as she walks past us in the hallway.

"I missed you!" I smile as I hug her. "Hey, I heard that you and Marie started practicing voodoo in her salon again."

She nods. "We're thinking that we're going to try to merge our crafts into one and become allies. Marie thinks that if voodoo and witchcraft worked together for once instead of against each other, we could accomplish great things."

I nod. "I think it's a great plan. Tell me, how's Devan doing?"

Queenie scoffs. "He's a damn genius. He already knows everyone's names, powers, and the names of all the basic spells. He hasn't even been here for a week, but I'm pretty sure he's learned more than Madison learned in her first year."

"Hey!" Madison yells from the stairs, pretending to be offended.

"Maybe you should've done something in your free time besides party," Queenie shrugs.

"I was almost your Supreme," she states as she walks down the stairs towards us.

"Thank god you weren't," Queenie scoffs.

"Excuse me?" she mocks as Michael and I chuckle. "What, do you think I'd be a bad Supreme?" she asks us.

"I know you'd be a horrible Supreme," Michael states. "The fact that you don't give a shit about anybody but yourself combined with your making every decision on a whim are the perfect combination for disaster."

"You're wrong," she scoffs as she struts away.

Michael and I roll our eyes as we walk towards the sitting room to see Cordelia sitting on the sofa with Devan. "Mommy, I want to try magic," he protests.

Cordelia chuckles. "Sweetheart, you're too young. Even if you could perform magic, you're too young to control it. You could easily hurt somebody, maybe even yourself."

He crosses his arms and is about to protest when he catches sight of me and Michael. He drops the argument as Cordelia turns to greet us.

"Hey, you two," she smiles. "How was Bora Bora?"

"It was decent," Michael shrugs as he turns to me. "Where do you think we should go next: Paris or Peru?"

"You guys can't just keep traveling for the rest of your days," Cordelia chuckles.

"Yes we can," Michael and I say together.

"I don't have that many years left," I shrug.

"And we're going to make every second count," Michael finishes.

Cordelia sighs as she contemplates something. "Why don't you try to reach out to Papa Legba?" she questions. "You literally saved the world; I bet he owes you one."

Micheal and I look at each other, considering her suggestion. "I mean, it's not a bad idea," Michael shrugs.

I nod. "Why not? Let's do it."

Cordelia chuckles as she turns her attention back to Devan. "Oh," she adds on, "And if your deal with Papa Legba doesn't work out, please don't just go off to Paris or something. I'd like to spend time with you too."

I chuckle. "Don't worry, Cordelia, I'll make sure I share my time with you too."

She smiles as she turns back to Devan who is in the middle of levitating a crayon. "Devan!" she scolds. "What did I tell you about not performing magic yet?"

I drown their conversation out as I walk into the kitchen. "Say, how do we summon Papa Legba?" I question. "It's really inconvenient to have to use Queenie every time we need a meeting."

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