Part 45 - It's Time for the Apocalypse

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I gasp as I materialize on the roof of the St. Louis Cathedral.  I look at the entirely destroyed city around me and the smoke filling the sky.  I desperately look around, trying to find something, anything, that I can use in a last attempt to kill Satan.

Satan laughs sadistically as he appears on the opposite side of the cathedral.  "This is always how it was going to end," he states.  "You have failed, and now you will meet the same fate as the witches."

I scoff as I wipe the blood gushing from my nose. "You're a pathetic excuse for a divine entity. I am simply mortal, yet I would have killed you multiple times had you not been immortal."

"Yes, but I am immortal," he muses. "And now I am going to rule the world in flames after I kill the last person who is still alive: you."

"You are foolish," I state condescendingly. "If there's anything that you've learned throughout your existence, I would expect it to at least be this one thing: good always prevails over evil."

"You're wrong," he states.

"Prove it," I challenge. "Kill me. I will guarantee you that my death will only lead to your downfall."

The corners of his mouth twitch upwards maniacally. "I'll take my chances."

He raises an arm and I fly off the roof of the cathedral.  I smile as I free-fall backwards, the wind whipping through my hair while I wait to reach my impending doom.

4 hours earlier

"I'm dying over here!" Madison exclaims dramatically as she collapses onto the sofa.  "It's been 20 fucking hours since Satan started the apocalypse, but all we can do is sit here and wait!"

"Let's focus on what's important," Cordelia states.  "The attacks have reached Texas, Mexico, Georgia, and all of the northern and western states.  They're closing in on us; we don't have long before they reach us."

"You know, we technically could still just ride out this apocalypse by staying in the mansion," Marie suggests as she enters the sitting room.  "You guys saw it in the vision; my spell protected the mansion from harm, so Satan wouldn't be able to kill us in here."

 "Yeah, and we'll just leave the rest of the world population to die," Madison scoffs.

"I would think that you would be the most inclined to support my idea," Marie rolls her eyes.

Madison crosses her arms.  "And why is that?"

"Because you're selfish and self-absorbed and could give a shit about anybody else."

Madison scoffs.  "I am not."  She looks around the room for somebody to agree with her, but everyone looks down.  "What the fuck is wrong with you guys?  I am not that self-absorbed."

"You aren't, Madison," Zoe reassures her.

She sends Zoe an appreciative glance before Cordelia redirects the topic.  "It is too late to back down now," she states.  "Does everyone remember our plan?  I know that it was a lot to go over."

All the witches nod.  "Cordelia, we're ready," Mallory nods.

Cordelia smiles as she looks between everyone.  "My girls," she smiles.  "I love you all so much.  You are like my own daughters."

Michael sends her a mock glare and she chuckles.  "And son, I suppose."

He smiles.  "Thank you.  For the record, you're one of the biggest mother figures I've ever had."

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