Part 43 - Addiction Demon

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"Maybe this isn't working," I sigh into my phone, talking to Michael.

"Just try a little bit longer," he insists. "You've only been in there for 30 minutes, maybe it just needs more time."

"Okay, fine," I sigh. "I'll call you in a bit."

He chuckles. "I'll just be out here."

I hang up and throw the phone back onto the bed, then I plop down next to it, trying to think of something to do while I'm waiting. I am about to get up to go to the bathroom when my phone rings again. I lean over to see that it's Cordelia. I reach out to grab the phone when I am slammed from behind.

I gasp and turn around to see a strange white creature over me. I quickly fling out my arm and it goes flying across the room.

"What happened?" Michael asks as he bursts into the room. He looks over to see the addiction demon slammed against the wall. "What the fuck is that?"

"Is that a drilldo?" I gasp, staring at the demon in shock.

Sally chuckles from behind Michael. "That's the asshole that James March kept me protected from," she scoffs.

"How do we destroy it?" Michael asks as we watch the demon begin to walk towards us.

"Hell if I know," Sally shrugs as she sits in the chair. "You guys handle it, but I want to kill it once you've got it under control."

"You're just going to sit there and watch?" I question.

"What do you want me to do, send my followers after it?" she scoffs.

Before I can respond, the demon runs at me and Michael. We try to throw it back again, but it appears unaffected and runs right into me. I fly onto the ground and push it off of me before climbing to my feet.

"Why the hell was it not affected by our powers?" Michael asks.

"I have no clue," I reply, out of breath, as I look to Sally.

She casually shrugs from the chair. "You two are the magic people."

Michael sighs dramatically. "You're the one who's lived with it since the '90s-"

Drilldo flies off the ground and slams into Michael. He quickly throws it off to the side before it can knock him over. "Why a drilldo though?" he asks nobody in particular.

Sally scoffs. "Don't ask me. Maybe you should ask your father; I bet that thing is a creation by none other than the devil himself."

"My father and I aren't exactly on speaking terms," Michael rolls his eyes.

I scoff. "That's the understatement of the year-" This time drilldo goes for me, and I quickly transmutate to the side before it collides with me. I turn and grab it before slamming it into the wall.

"That texture is so fucking weird," I mutter as I try to shake the slimy feeling off my hands. "How the hell are we even supposed to destroy this thing?"

"Let's try soul-destroying," Michael shrugs. "I'll go first since it's easier for me. You distract it."

I roll my eyes as I turn to drilldo right as it's lunging for me. I slap it across its face before kicking it back. I raise my arm and throw the dresser at it, and it goes flying across the room with the dresser before slamming into the opposite wall.

"It's now or never," I tell Michael.

He nods as he focuses on destroying drilldo's soul. It lights on fire, but it simply steps through the fire. Michael sighs as he turns to me. "It doesn't have a soul, so my powers aren't going to do anything. It looks like this is up to you now."

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