Part 42 - Sara

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"What the hell are you doing here at 3 AM?" Michael asks as we intersect in the hallway.

"I could ask the same of you," I retort. "Although I'm guessing we're here for the same reason: investigating that music." Fleetwood Mac has been playing for the last ten minutes, and I'm not sure where the sound is coming from.

He nods. "Whoever's playing it is lucky that it's only loud enough for the two of us to hear because of our supernatural hearing. Also, is that Fleetwood Mac?"

"It is," I nod. "I'll bet it's Misty; everyone knows about her Fleetwood Mac obsession."

He chuckles. "Do you want to see why the hell she's playing Fleetwood Mac at three in the morning?"

I nod. "Normally I'd be fine with it, but I'm trying to sleep after my little showdown with Satan."

We both turn and walk down the hallway, following the voice of Stevie Nicks. Speaking of Stevie Nicks, I am yet to hear her perform; the only time that she ever performed for the coven was after I left.

Michael and I stop as we reach the hallway where the greenhouse is located, having found the source of the music: Misty has an old radio playing Sara for her and Cordelia to dance to.

Misty has a shawl wrapped around her, and I realize that it's one of Stevie's. Cordelia spins Misty around and Misty begins spinning in the middle of the room, the shawl flowing out around her. Cordelia smiles adoringly as she watches Misty spinning carefree in circles.

Misty stops spinning and she turns back to Cordelia, taking her in her arms. They both smile as they embrace each other, and I can see the utter love and adoration in their eyes. I have never seen Cordelia so relaxed or happy.

They continue to dance in each other's arms as I smile and turn away to walk back down the hallway, leaving them to their dancing. "Are you not going to tell them to keep it down?" Michael asks as he follows me.

I chuckle. "Don't you see the pure love they have for each other? We only have a few weeks until the apocalypse; they need every happy moment they can get."

Michael smirks. "Aren't you a romantic?"

I punch him lightly. "Just let Cordelia and Misty have their fun."

We begin approaching the stairs, but he quickly grabs me and spins me around so I'm against the wall. "We can have our fun too," he suggests.

I chuckle as I try to ignore his ridiculous smile. "Michael, I need to sleep."

He rolls his eyes as he releases me. "Could you at least sleep in my room?"

"I suppose that's a fair compromise," I shrug, then allow my smile to reveal itself. He returns the smile as he takes my hand and transmutates us into his room. I almost immediately collapse onto his bed, worn out from my fight with Satan. He lays beside me and wraps his arm around me gently. I feel his warmth in contrast to my coolness, and it feels oddly comforting.

I can feel his smile when I lean my head against his chest, and I drift off to sleep while his hand is running through my hair.


"I see that you disappeared on us last night," Madison remarks as Michael and I enter the kitchen together.

I roll my eyes. "I never say anything when you disappear at night to go see you-know-who." I'm kind enough to not say Zoe's name in case there's anybody listening in on our conversation.

She scoffs as she takes her banana muffin. "At least I'm better at keeping it a secret. I always return before you or Queenie wake up."

"And you aren't even good at that," Michael scoffs. "You almost let your relationship slip when we had that pillow fight."

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