Part 28 - Powerless

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I look up to see the twisted smile of Devan/Satan.  "Well, if it's not my favorite relentless bastard. You've aged quite a bit," I remark, looking him up and down; he must be at least 20.

"Yes, it turns out you can age your body quite a bit when you don't have two pesky little five-year-olds ruining your plans every other second," he replies sarcastically.

"Unfortunately for you, we are still ruining your plans.  Just not quite so directly."

"Yes, your killing Ramirez was a bit of a setback.  Luckily, I was able to semi-possess Constance, so she will take over his duties."

"Which were imprinting the hell mouths, weren't they?" I ask.

He narrows his eyes.  "How did you find out about that?"

"Ramirez isn't great at keeping secrets."

He sighs as he waves a hand.  "It doesn't matter.  You won't be able to stop me anyways."

"And why is that?" I question, my stance turning defensive.

He watches in amusement.  "Do you think you could protect yourself from me?"

I throw my arm out to throw a force at him, but nothing happens.  I furrow my brow as I look at my hand, then back up at him.  "What the hell did you do?" I accuse.

He chuckles condescendingly.  "I didn't do anything.  Your body is weak right now."

I look down at myself in confusion.  "I-"

He chuckles as he shakes his head.  "Not that body.  You're in a vision right now.  Your actual body is unconscious, incapable of performing magic."

I sigh as I decide to change tactics.  "Well," I start, walking up to him.  "This body isn't weak."

He looks slightly confused, but his face changes to shock as my fist slams into it. He reels from the punch, his head flying backwards. I can't help but feel delight at the pained look on his face.

Unfortunately, before I can punch him again, he throws me back and I slam into the gate.  "Unpredictability," he muses as I peel myself off the ground.  "I am not a fan, but I can appreciate it."

"Why are you here?" I ask as I stand up.  "You must have some reason besides taunting me."

"Yes," he nods.  "Don't worry, I'm not trying to kill you again. Yet. I would prefer to kill you in person rather than in a vision, you know? I need to get the full experience. No, I just need to debilitate you for a while, at least for long enough for me to fix all the wrenches you've been throwing in my plans."

I roll my eyes.  "Okay, well what are you waiting for?" I ask, holding my arms out to my sides tauntingly.  "Try me. What do you think you're going to do?"

He stalks toward me, taking his time.  He stops five feet in front of me.  "I-"

His neck suddenly snaps, and his body falls to the ground.  I look behind him to see Michael lowering his hand. 

"Michael?" I ask.  "How the hell are you here?"

He chuckles as he steps over his father's body.  "I was able to tell you were in some trouble.  Come on, let's get you out of this vision," he extends his hand.

"Gladly," I nod as I accept his hand.  As soon as our hands meet, everything goes black.  When I open my eyes, I am on the couch inside the academy.  I look over to see Michael sighing as he releases my hand.

"Thank god," he sighs in relief.  "I knew that transmutation was a bad idea."  He shoots an accusatory glare at Madison.

"What?" she scoffs.  "We needed to get back to the academy as soon as possible, so I chose to do what got us back as soon as possible."

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