Part 23 - Camp Redwood

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"Camp Redwood?" Madison scoffs.  "Sounds like some kiddie camp or shit."

"It's very much the opposite," Myrtle disagrees.  "It's a camp where two horrible massacres occurred in 1970 and 1984.  There was only one survivor from each of the massacres, but she mysteriously disappeared in 1989."

We all stare at her in silence, questioning how the hell she knows this.  "What?" she asks defensively.  "This was the hottest gossip in 1984."

"Bitch please," Madison scoffs.  "The only 'hot gossip' you were engaged in in 1984 was that of trying to sabotage Fiona - we all know how much beef you two had."

"Oh, those days are long over," Myrtle sighs.

"Because she's dead?" Zoe deadpans.

"Guys, can we please get back to Camp Redwood?" Cordelia asks, redirecting the conversation again.  "Michael, what is going on in Camp Redwood?"

"The Cooperative has always sensed paranormal activity there apparently," he explains.  "One of the members bought the property and has cameras set up all around."

"Why is this relevant?" Zoe asks.

"These cameras caught footage of Richard Ramirez walking around on the grounds." He holds his phone out for us to see the video.

"What the fuck?" I mutter.

"That has to photoshopped," Madison argues.

"Why though?" he questions.  "The Cooperative isn't showing this footage to anyone."

"When was this footage captured?" I ask.

Michael glances at the timestamp.  "An hour ago."

"Do you think this is related to your father?" I ask.

"Did you guys know that Ramirez was a Satanist?" Mallory speaks up.  "I wouldn't be surprised if Satan has a role in this."

"But why the hell is Satan interested in Richard Ramirez?" I ask.  "He's old news."

"Everything old is new," Myrtle says.  "You know that the '80s are making a comeback; perhaps Satan is hoping for Ramirez to make one as well."

"If there is any chance here of Richard Ramirez making a comeback, then this matter is too urgent to wait," Cordelia states.  "You guys need to leave now to figure out what's going on."

"We literally just got back," I complain.

"If Richard Ramirez is out free, then you know how many lives are at stake. This may even call for long-distance transmutation."

"You know how quickly long-distance transmutation drains us," Michael sighs.

"Yes, but you can gain that energy back in the aura of Camp Redwood.  That place is a peak of the supernatural."

"Who all's going?" Madison asks.

"You, Mallory, Michael, and Esmeray," Cordelia responds.

"Ew, do you think I want to go to some shitty camp?" Madison scoffs.

"Just for that, you're going," Cordelia retorts.

Madison rolls her eyes but knows that she cannot argue with Cordelia.  "Fine.  But we had better make this quick."

"You will," Cordelia instructs.  "Call me as soon as you get all your information, then you can fly back home if you are too drained to transmutate."

"Oh, and before you leave," Myrtle adds on.  "Just remember, these ghosts are dangerous.  Most people who have stepped foot on Camp Redwood since 1984 have never come back."

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