Part 15 - Siphon

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We turn to see John Henry Moore staring down at us. "Shit," Michael and I mutter as we sit up.

"And why are you waiting for Cordelia to call you after she talks to the council? It sounds a lot like Cordelia Goode who you're talking about," he continues as he takes a puff from his cigarette. However, his demeanor still seems casual, not at all the demeanor of somebody confronting us before turning us in.

Michael is about to mind-control him, but I discreetly motion for Michael to stop. Michael settles on asking, "What do you want?"

"I want to know what business you've got with Cordelia Goode." He sees our hesitation. "That is unless you want me to take this directly to Ariel."

"What not take this to Ariel anyway?" I ask.

He shrugs as he takes a seat across from us. "I know that you're here for the boy, Devan. At first, I wasn't sure why, but now I know that it is because of Cordelia. You both know that I'm not a fan of our taking the boy in. Tell me, I'm right to feel that way, aren't I?"

I slowly nod. "Yes, you are."

"What's wrong with him?" John Henry asks.

Michael and I look at each other, unsure whether we should tell him. We reach an agreement after a few seconds of eye contact. "He's the devil," I say bluntly.

"Well, possessed by the devil," Michael elaborates.

"How?" John Henry asks, not denying our statement.

"His parents both have perfect DNA for creating a human perfect for the devil to possess," Michael explains.

"All that they needed was some not-so-divine intervention to push them together, then they have a baby, and just like that, we've got the devil freely roaming the earth," I finish.

He looks at us, intrigued. "How do you know all this?"

With a shrug, I say "I'm not a witch."

"And I'm not a warlock," Michael adds on.

"What are you then?" he asks.

"That's a conversation for a different day," Michael brushes him off, as he stands up.

"Do you believe us, or do you think we're crazy?" I ask as John Henry and I stand up as well.

"I believe you. There is nothing normal about that kid. I knew from that start that something was wrong. What do we do now?"

"Wait for the witches to make a decision," I shrug. "And do not let him know that you're onto him. He's not powerful enough to kill me and Michael yet, but he can kill you."

"So we just sit here and pretend that he's a normal kid?" he asks.

"That's exactly what you have to do," Michael states. "You know that Ariel could care less how evil that boy is; he just wants an Alpha. That's why I'm here - I'll convince him that I'm the Alpha, not Devan."

"How are you more powerful than the devil?" John Henry scoffs.

"I'm not, but he's stuck in a 14-year-old body; I'm more powerful until he ages more."

"That's a bit of an issue," I lower my voice. "He claims that he can age to 25 in less than a week."

"And like you said," Michael scoffs. "I'll believe that when it happens."

"My exact quote was when he's taller than me."

We both chuckle, and John Henry stares at us in astonishment. "You've talked to him?"

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