Part 17 - Return to Murder House

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"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go," Michael states, clearly in a rush. I nod as I reach for his hand.

"Wait a damn minute," Behold interrupts, walking over to us. "I'm going with you."

"No, you are not," Michael and I snap at the same time.

He stands firmly. "Ariel would not approve of this little field trip."

"What are you trying to negotiate here, Behold?" Michael asks impatiently.

"If you let me go with you, I'll cover for you guys when we get back."

"Why do you want to go?" I ask.

"I'm a little bit of a Murder House enthusiast," he smiles, clasping his hands together.

I roll my eyes. "Fine. But no 'fangirling' while we're there. We're on a mission."

"Whatever," he rolls his eyes. "Well, I can see why Satan chose that house; it's built right over the portal to hell."

"Shit, he's probably siphoning from it," I mutter to Michael.

"We need to go. Now," Michael says firmly, holding out his hands. I take one and hold my other out for Behold.

"What are you doing?" he asks, wearily taking our hands.

"Long-distance transmutation," I state.

"When traveling with multiple people, you have to hold hands," Michael explains as we disappear from the sitting room, then reappear outside the Murder House.

"Holy shit," Behold gasps, looking around. "I've never done that."

"Now you have," I respond impatiently, using transmutation to go past the gate. I walk up to the front door and shove it open. Vivien almost immediately runs up to me. "Vivien!" I greet warmly.

"Esmeray, you need to see this," she rushes as she takes my arm and leads me toward the basement stairs. I glance back to see Michael and Behold following us nervously. Vivien sees Michael and immediately recognizes him, but she seems to resist the urge to ask all her questions about him.

"Mom, don't go down there!" a young brown-haired girl shouts, appearing out of nowhere.

"Violet, somebody has to guide them to-"

"I'll do it," a boy's voice says.

We all look over to a blonde teen boy. "Tate, why are you doing this?" Violet asks.

"I'm just trying to make things up to you," he replies, a mixture of emotions in his voice. They obviously have something going on, but I'm too busy to question it. "It's kind of my fault we're in this situation, so I'll do it."

Violet looks down sadly as Tate walks in front of us. "You coming?" he asks.

I don't entirely trust him, but I nod and follow him. He takes us down to the basement and the temperature seems to rise to 100 degrees as we reach the bottom of the stairs. He takes us to a room where there's a ton of flashing and crashing noises. "I'm not going inside there," he states, looking at it skeptically.

"Thanks," I reply distractedly, glancing inside the room. Devan is laying in the center of the room, all the flashing lights focused on him. He now appears to be 16. "How the hell do we get to him?" I ask.

Michael and Behold stare at me, both completely clueless. "I say we throw Behold in there and see what happens," Michael suggests, not entirely joking.

"What the hell? I say we throw Michael in!" Behold protests. "That's your father anyways!"

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