Part 9 - Demons

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"When was the last time you slept?" Queenie scoffs, walking in on me drinking coffee in the kitchen.  It's become pretty obvious that I'm barely sleeping, the bags under my eyes so drastic that I could be playing the sleep-deprived lead in a horror movie.

"I always get a little sleep before my nightmares wake me up," I reply grumpily, making my lack of sleep clear. "Unlike you guys, I'm not able to go back to sleep."

"Trust me, I'd rather do without the screaming every night, yet I put up with it."

I send her a glare as I bring my coffee to my lips. "Wow, how considerate of you," I reply sarcastically.

She rolls her eyes, then begins to leave the kitchen. Michael sprints through the doorway, practically running her over. "Bad news," he announces, not bothering to address Queenie.

"Well, good morning to you too," she mutters distastefully, slipping past Michael to walk to the living room.

Michael ignores her again. "I just had a vision. She was on Bourbon Street. She's in New Orleans."

"Fuck," I mutter, knowing that She means the demon.

"Who is she?" Madison asks as she enters the kitchen.

"You're about to find out," I reply ominously before I transmutate to Cordelia's office.

"Esmeray, what is it?" Cordelia asks, sensing that something is wrong as soon as she sees me. Michael quickly appears next to me.

"Michael had a vision about the she-demon," I respond. We both told Cordelia of our nightmares, so she knows what we're talking about.

She stands up from her desk and begins walking towards us. "Tell me, Michael."

"She was on Bourbon Street," Michael explains. "She's going to be here soon."

"Don't worry," Cordelia assures us. "We will not let her get onto the grounds. I actually have a witch waiting to meet me right now, so I have to go fetch her. You two warn the rest of the witches about this demon coming, and start to form a plan for when she shows up."

We both nod as she walks past us and out of the office. We watch her disappear down the hallway hastily. "She seems surprisingly calm," I comment as I turn to walk back to the kitchen.

"She does," Michael mutters, walking back towards the kitchen.

"You guys transmutated out of here before you could tell me who 'she' was," Madison complains as we enter the kitchen.

"A demon," I state simply.

"Let me guess; she's on her way to kill you for that scar and shit," she says casually. Madison has made a point to treat my many close calls with death casually so that I don't begin to think that I'm "more important than her or anything." I've been all too glad to play along and at least keep that normalcy in my life.

With a chuckle, I reply, "Couldn't have said it better myself."

In the distance, I hear Cordelia greeting the new witch in the hallway. Being the nosy bitch I am, I try to enter the new witch's mind to see what she's like. However, I furrow a brow, realizing there is no mind to be entered.

"What's wrong?" Michael asks, seeing the confused expression on my face.

It suddenly clicks in my head just as she appears in the hallway with Cordelia. "Oh, shit," I mutter. The new witch isn't a witch; she's the demon.

Michael and Madison both follow my gaze to see the "woman", and I hear Michael's breath catch in his throat. "Fuck," he mutters.

Madison opens her mouth to ask what's wrong, but she doesn't get the chance to say anything. The demon sends a force flying at us, sending the three of us backwards. Michael and I hit the wall of cabinets behind us, and Madison flies through the window. I can immediately sense that she hit her head and lost consciousness.

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