Part 25 - Soul Destroying

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After quickly giving Donna to Liz and Iris and explaining our situation to them, Michael, Madison, Mallory, and I transmutate to the Murder House.  When we appear on the front walkway, I force all memories of what happened the last time we were here out of my head. The last thing I need is any tension between me and Michael.

"Well, I guess we should check this shithole out," Madison announces.

In unison, the four of us walk to the front door. I step forward to grab the doorknob, but Vivien opens the door before I even get the chance.  "Esmeray!" she smiles.  "What brings you back here?"

I return her smile, her aura somehow calming me despite our situation.  It may sound strange, but she feels so familiar to me despite the fact that this is only my third time meeting her.  "There's a man that is on his way here right now," I explain quickly.  "We have to destroy his soul."

She looks slightly shocked as she steps back to let us into the house.  "Who is he?" she asks.

I sigh and look back at her to see Violet standing behind her.  "Don't freak out. Both of you."

"We won't," Violet promises.

"Richard Ramirez."

"What? Isn't he dead?" Vivien asks.

"Kind of, but not anymore.  He has powers, given to him by Satan," I explain quickly.

"I'm sorry, what?" Tate interrupts, appearing in the hallway in front of me.  "Is this that idiot's fault?" he points to Michael angrily.

"Oh, would you shut up?" I scoff.  "I've heard all about you, Mr Pumped Up Kicks.  You're no saint yourself."  I push past him to get to the kitchen.  "Besides, Michael had nothing to do with this.  It's completely his father's fault."

Michael sends Tate a nervous glance before following me to the kitchen.  "That's my father?" he asks in a hushed voice.  He's told me about how he spent some time looking into the Murder House's history as well as his father's. However, this is his first time seeing him in person.

I nod.  "What a letdown, huh?" I attempt to joke.

He does not appear to be put at ease at all. "Was that woman my mother?" he asks.


He nods.

"Yeah. You should talk to her," I say encouragingly. I quickly add, "Well, maybe after we handle Ramirez."

He seems to hesitate for a few seconds.  "Um, okay," he replies, clearly unsure about it.

"Don't worry," I reassure him.  "She's really sweet, and I'm sure she'll love you."

He shakes his head with an incredulous scoff. "I can't believe you've met my mother before I have."

"And you met my father before I did. Let's call it even."

He chuckles just as Madison bursts into the kitchen. "I hate to barge in on your conversation," she interrupts.  "Well, actually, I don't," she adds on as an afterthought.  "But we have bigger issues to deal with, such as a Satanic serial killer on his way to this house right now."

"Why is Richard Ramirez coming here anyway?" Violet asks as she enters the kitchen behind Madison and Mallory.

"This house is built over the portal to hell, and for some reason Satan wants him to do some housekeeping before the apocalypse," I shrug.

"You seem very casual about this," Moira remarks, suddenly appearing in the corner of the kitchen.  "Do you often find yourself consorting with the devil?"

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