Part 11 - Return to the Cortez (pt 1)

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I gasp as I fly forward, back in my body at Robichaux's. All of the witches stop everything they're doing to stare at me in utter shock. The room is silent beside the sound of my heavy breathing. But then I realize that there's another person heavily breathing beside me.

Michael and I turn to face each other at the same time. In the blink of an eye, my lips are on his as we go crashing back down to the ground. Suddenly aware of the roomful of witches watching us, I quickly regain my composure and transition to hugging Michael. I nestle my face against his neck as he wraps his arms around me. Admittedly, the damage was certainly done with that kiss, but I'm assuming most everyone could already tell that we were a thing before now. Besides, who cares? All that I care about is that Michael and I are alive and here together.

After what feels like only a few seconds, Cordelia clears her throat. With a chuckle, I release Michael, and we sit up together. Cordelia offers me a hand to help me up, and Madison of all people does the same for Michael. It seems like hell really did change her into a nicer person.

Cordelia captures me in a hug, then releases me after a few seconds. She sends me a proud smile before I'm pulled into another hug by Myrtle.

As soon as Myrtle releases me, a certain blonde witch approaches me. "Bitch, I thought you died there," Madison says, crushing me with the impact of her hug. Madison is a stone-cold bitch, but she will always love you once you gain her trust.

"You know I wouldn't leave you here with all these boring people," I laugh as she releases me.

"Okay, are we just not going to talk about how you exploded that demon-dude with your powers?" Queenie shouts, making her way over to hug me. "Bitch, you need to teach me how to do that."

"Honestly, I don't even know how I did it," I laugh. "Speaking of demons," I say, lifting my shirt. I look at my chest to see that the scar is gone. "I'm pretty sure we won't have to worry about them anymore."

"Oh my god," Zoe gasps, lifting the back of my shirt. "They're both gone."

"Ugh, finally," Queenie scoffs. "I was tired of those assholes showing up at the worst possible times. One time, I was in the middle of a shower when everyone started yelling about how they were here."

We all laugh as friendly chatter fills the hallway. Everyone talks for a while, streaming out of the hallway on their own time. Eventually, Michael and I are the only ones left in the hallway.

Before I have a chance to say anything, he grabs my waist and pulls me into him for a kiss. Although momentarily surprised, I relax in his hold as my body leans into him. "I love you too," he whispers as he pulls away from me, as if he's been waiting to say it all day.

"What?" I ask.

"Before you went to hell, you told me you loved me," he says breathlessly as he runs his hand down my face. "I never told you that I loved you too. I was so scared that you were going to die without knowing that."

I smile as I kiss him again. "I already knew, my love. I've always known." He pulls me in for one last kiss before we part ways for the night.


"You didn't join me in the kitchen last night," Michael observes as I come downstairs to grab breakfast.

"I didn't have any nightmares last night. Did you?" I ask as I grab a banana.

He nods. "You had the dream about the boy and girl yesterday, right?"

"Yeah," I nod. "Your father told me that the scene of them talking took place four years ago though."

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