Part 44 - Before the Storm

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"What the hell is going on around here?" I ask as I enter the sitting room.  All the witches are slumped across the sofa and chairs, seeming to not care at all.  "I was only gone for a day, yet it seems that you're already depressed without my presence."

Madison lazily rolls over to face me.  "Bitch please, nobody missed you with that attitude."

"Says the narcissist with a god-complex," I scoff.

She glares at me and rolls her eyes before turning back to her phone.

"You guys look more dead than the ghosts we just spent all day with," Michael observes as he enters the sitting room.

"Just let us have our moment," Queenie sighs from the floor.  "Satan just massacred half the new witches and the apocalypse is coming.  We have every reason to be giving up."

"Not when the apocalypse is in two weeks," I roll my eyes, walking past them.  I've got to find Cordelia; she must know why they're having this sudden mood shift.

I almost run right into Cordelia when I turn the corner.  "Oh, I was looking for you," I tell her.

"Perfect, you're back," she smiles, continuing to rush down the hallway.

I turn and run after her.  "Cordelia, what are you doing?" I ask.

She smiles mischievously as she turns back to me.  "Don't tell the girls yet, but I have a special guest coming here to help cheer everyone up."

"Who?   And why is everyone suddenly in a slump?" I ask.

She shrugs.  "Probably just the stress of everything happening.  Now, do you want to help me with the special guest?"

"What help do you need?" I ask.

"Well," she starts.  "Misty's probably going to faint when she sees her."

"Why would Misty faint-"

I get my answer when the front door flies open to reveal Stevie Nicks standing on the front porch.  My jaw drops.  "Is that Stevie fucking Nicks?"

Stevie chuckles.  "Hello, witches."

I hear a thump behind me and turn to see Misty unconscious on the floor.  "Shit," I mutter.  "I forgot to catch her."


"I never thought I'd get to meet Stevie Nicks twice in my lifetime," Zoe comments as she reenters the sitting room from grabbing Stevie a glass of water in the kitchen.  She sets it down next to the piano so she doesn't interrupt Stevie while she's playing The Chain.

"Yeah, I bet you never thought you'd live with Madison Montgomery either," Madison scoffs from her chair.

Or date her, I add on mentally.

Madison seems to be thinking the same thing as she looks at Zoe smugly.  Zoe rolls her eyes and sits on the floor beside Madison's chair.

I lean back against the wall and turn to Michael.  "You know, this and Gold Dust Woman are my favorite Fleetwood Mac songs," I whisper.

He chuckles as he turns his attention away from Stevie.  "How the hell do you find time to listen to Fleetwood Mac?"

"My mother loved Fleetwood Mac," I shrug.

His face drops slightly at the mention of my mother, and he decides to change the subject.  "Am I the only one who's noticing how Coco and Mallory keep sending each other looks?" he whispers.

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