Part 18 - Grief

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I wasn't entirely sure where I was planning on going after transmutating, but I see that I am in my mother's house, so at least my powers made that decision correctly.

I immediately go to her bedroom and dig through her belongings. She must have something here that explains why she went to Constance's house and posed as Michael's babysitter. I tear through everything that she owns, suppressing the grief building up.

After ten minutes of mad digging, I find nothing. I stop in the middle of her bedroom and stare around desperately. Suddenly, it hits me. If this is sensitive information, she most likely wouldn't want any normal human to be able to find it; meaning that she would hide it with magic, knowing I would find it eventually. I close my eyes and focus on my mother, trying to think of anything that would lead me to something that she left behind for me.

My eyes land on her portrait of lilacs hanging across from her bed. I walk over to the portrait and focus my powers on it; eventually, a letter materializes from the portrait and floats toward me. I have no idea what kind of magic she used to hide that, but I have never heard of it. If I were a normal witch, I never would've found that.

I open up the letter and sit in the middle of my mother's ransacked bedroom. With a flick of my wrist, everything is back in place and the room is tidy. I take a deep breath as I open the letter and begin to read it.

Dear Esmeray,

If you are reading this, I am probably dead and I have failed at my task. I want you to know that I tried my hardest, and I hate to leave this burden on you. Ever since you were born, I knew what you were. If you can remember, I was never shocked by your rapid aging; I was expecting it. I'm sure that by now Cordelia has told you about your father and you've gone and done your own personal research to discover what you are: the only being more powerful than the Antichrist.

After I figured this out, I knew that I had to do something to protect you. I did not want you to have to fight the Antichrist, so I decided to kill him for you. I knew that if anybody knew any information on the Antichrist, it would be Billie Dean Howard. I went to her, and she revealed the true nature of the Antichrist as well as the birth of Michael Langdon. She had no doubt that he was the one. I began observing him, and my suspicions were confirmed after I saw how many animals he had killed by the mere age of five.

This was all that I needed to create my plan. I'm going to pose as a babysitter and go to the Langdon household; I will use Concilium on the grandmother if I have to. Then, I will kill the boy so that you won't have to spend your life fighting him. If you are receiving this, I assume that something in my plan went terribly wrong and I am now dead. If this is the case, I am so sorry for failing you, my dear girl. You do not deserve to carry this burden.

If you need any help, the witches in New Orleans will be able to help you. Additionally, there is a man at Kineros Robotics who owes me a favor: Jeff Pfister. Just tell them that you are my daughter and they will be at your becking call. However, I must warn you that they are Satanists. You may use this against them if you would like, but be cautious with it.

My dear daughter, I am sorry to be leaving you so soon. I would like you to know that raising you was one of the biggest adventures of my life, and I'm sure that you have what it takes to defeat Michael Langdon. I believe in you, darling. I love you so much. Now go kick some Antichrist ass.


I allow myself to finally have the breakdown that I've been pushing off. Tears fall uncontrollably from my eyes while sobs rack my body. I am so drained, physically and emotionally, from the chaotic day I've had today, so it only takes me a few minutes until I drift to sleep on the floor from exhaustion.

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