Part 48 - Last Attempt

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"Shit, this isn't looking good," I mutter to myself as I appear on the top of the St. Louis Cathedral to get a better view of Cordelia's fight with Satan.  It's been five minutes and he's throwing trees, benches, and cars at her while she is just managing to avoid everything.  It's quite obvious that she's on the defense.

Cordelia gasps as a tree and bench fly at her, but she's only able to stop the tree.  The bench slams into her, throwing her to the ground.

Satan smirks as he pulls a knife from his jacket and stalks toward her.  It takes everything in me to not transmutate down to help her; I know that this is what she wanted.

Cordelia throws the bench off to the side and pulls herself to her feet to face down Satan, blood streaming from her nose.  I can practically feel her agony with her as she states, "Satan is one entity, but my sisters are legion motherfucker."

Satan raises a brow in confusion, but his face contorts into shock as Cordelia throws her arms out, using all her power to throw him back.  An explosion sounds from the sheer power she just used.  Satan flies across the square and out of sight as Cordelia collapses to the ground, dead.

I hold a hand over my mouth in shock.  I knew that Cordelia went into that battle with the intention of dying while fighting Satan, but it still rocks me to my core to see her dead.

I allow a single sob to escape from my throat before trying to compose myself.  Now is not the time to break down, not when I'm the only one left who has a shot at defeating Satan.  I lean against the spire as I try to stabilize my breathing.

Luckily for me, Cordelia was able to render Satan unconscious, so I get a few minutes to pull myself together.  By the time two minutes have passed, I've recovered about as much as I'll be able to and am ready to face Satan.

I feel a presence appear behind me, and I turn to see Satan standing in the center of the cathedral roof.  "Here already?" I question.

He chuckles darkly.  "Cordelia was only able to keep me out for a few minutes."  He throws his arm out and I fly into the spire behind me.

I don't even need to recover as I retaliate by throwing him across the roof, but he transmutates back to me before he goes over the edge. 

He throws me back and I slam against the wall of the bell tower.  I wince in pain, but don't let it delay me as I watch him create a wall of fire and sends it towards me.  I use everything in me to throw it back towards him, luckily succeeding.  The wall simply passes through him, having no effect on him.

"Why didn't you kill me back when you killed Michael?" I ask, attempting to distract him.  "I was extremely vulnerable; you could've done it easily.

A smirk crawls across his lips.  "The pain," he states deviously.  "I could have annihilated all of you in one singular fight, but I decided to drag it out so I could feel your pain.  I revel in it."

"That's quite sadistic," I remark.

His smirk changes slightly, becoming more condescending and less mischievous.  "I can feel the pain emanating off of you right now," he continues as he walks toward me, beginning to let his guard down in an attempt to manipulate me.  "You're trying not to let it show, but you are seconds away from breaking.  I can't blame you; you just watched me massacre your whole coven."

A tear falls from my eye as I look down, taking a step back just for dramatic effect. 

Satan lets his guard fall completely, believing that he has gotten to me as he steps forward triumphantly.  As he begins to step forward, I drop the act and throw him onto a lower level of the roof.

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