Part 21 - Kineros Robotics

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"Damn, this coastline is gorgeous," I smile as I hold my hand up in the air. I let the wind rush through it, closing my eyes as I take a long inhale.  "The other witches will definitely be jealous that they didn't come on this trip with us."

Michael chuckles as he looks over at the coastline we're driving past.  "Now are you happy I stole the convertible from the airport parking lot?" he teases.

I roll my eyes endearingly.  As soon as we got into the parking lot of LAX, he saw a red convertible and insisted that we steal it. I put up a slight protest (but am ultimately thankful he ignored me. "I didn't know the drive to Kineros Robotics would be along this stretch of the PCH."

He shrugs, turning his attention back to the road.  "Neither did I. I've just always wanted to drive a convertible along the cliffs of the PCH on a sunny day."

I smile as I look over at him.  He is glowing, the sun reflecting off his golden skin and hair.  He catches me staring and smirks smugly.  "I see the coastline isn't the only view you're enjoying."

I shrug as I send him a cheeky smile. "I've caught you admiring the view in the passenger seat multiple times."

He looks over just in time for me to jokingly make a show of throwing my hair back in the wind, and he chuckles. "I can't help it when the most beautiful view is my passenger princess."

"Yeah yeah, eyes on the road, prince charming," I tease.

We both laugh as he turns the car, and we soon approach the parking lot of a white futuristic building.  "You said this guy's name was Jeff Pfister, right?" Michael asks as he pulls into a parking spot.

"Yeah," I respond.  "Apparently he owed my mom for something.  She seemed to think that he'd be helpful in her letter she left me."

Michael nods.  "And they're Satanists, so we can use that to our advantage."

"I suppose being the Antichrist has its perks," I say with a joking smile.

He chuckles as we get out of the car.  He slings his jacket across his shoulder as he meets me at the front of the car.  "Ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be."


"And you didn't schedule an appointment?" the red-haired woman at the desk, Wilhemina Venable, asks.

"We don't need an appointment," Michael replies condescendingly.

Her face hardens.  "I'm going to have to ask the two of you to leave-"

I am about to mind-control her, but Michael beats me to it.  "You are going to direct us to Jeff Pfister," Michael requests calmly.

"Of course," she nods as she turns to lead us down a hallway.  We follow her down the empty white hallway until we reach a room full of computers and robotic parts with two men with bowl cuts in it.  The brown-haired one is snorting coke off his desk while the blonde one is ranting in the middle of the room, a cup of coffee in hand.

"You know what, I hate this fucking coffee," he complains.  "This coffee tastes like burnt asshole!"

He dramatically throws the coffee at the wall as Ms. Venable taps her cane.

"Hey, Ms. Venable!" the brown-haired one, who I'm assuming from our research is Jeff's business partner Mutt, shouts as he wipes his nose.  "Did you receive our shipment yet?"

She forces a smile.  "No, it is almost here.  The woman sent to retrieve it is running late.  Not to worry, I will reprimand her for her tardiness."

"Hey," the blonde one, Jeff Pfister, says as he notices us.  "Who is this here?"

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