Part 22 - West Coast

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"Don't you think it was a little much to insist that they promote Ms. Venable to head of HR?" Michael questions as he puts the car in reverse.

"Absolutely not," I insist. "You should've read that poor woman's mind. She has to deal with extreme scoliosis, constant name-calling, and lousy assistants who never deliver coke orders on time. She also has quite a sense of humor."

He chuckles as we pull out of the parking lot. "Do you really exercise your mind-reading that much?"

"What can I say? I'm a nosy bitch."

He laughs as he replies, "Fair enough."

"Do you not exercise your mind reading much?" I ask curiously while watching him turn onto the PCH.

He shakes his head. "No, I feel like it's an invasion of privacy. I also get pretty uncomfortable if I'm reading the thoughts of somebody attracted to me."

"Oh, it's a good thing you can't read my mind then," I joke.

"I would say that I wouldn't mind being able to read your X-rated thoughts, but then I realized how badly that would end for both us."

We both laugh before I tell him, "Never tell Madison that you can read minds. Once I told her about me reading minds, she began thinking of the weirdest shit just to catch me off guard."

"Such as?"

"Ever wanted to imagine all of Madison's weird ass sexual encounters in frat basements?"

"Ew. Duly noted to not read her mind."

I look out over the cliffside as the ocean comes back into view. "Hey, why don't we go to the beach?" I suggest.

He raises a brow.  "Why?"

"I haven't been to the beach since the day we died," I protest.  "I would like to have my most recent memory there be one where I don't die."

He chuckles, but he looks like he's actually considering it.

"Not to mention, it's your fault that I died," I continue.  "If you had just looked before you crossed the street I would've been able to finish my beach day in peace."

"If I hadn't been run over we never would've met," he counters.  "If I caused the apocalypse in the other timeline, I must've never met you, and I wasn't run over by Mallory in the other timeline."


He chuckles as he turns onto the exit.  "But I suppose stopping by for just an hour or two wouldn't hurt anything."

I smile as I press a kiss to his cheek.  "Thanks, you're the best," I tease.

He chuckles endearingly. "What are your plans for getting a swimsuit?"

I shrug.  "Nothing a little magic can't fix."

He parks in a small, isolated parking lot near an empty beachfront. The car next to us (the only other car in the parking lot) has a teenage boy and girl in it, who are clearly in the middle of a flirty conversation. I have no doubt that they'll be spending their whole time here in the car.

I use a bit of magic to roll down their window before asking, "Hey, do you guys have swimsuits with you?"

Michael shoots me a strange look as I wait for their response.  "Yeah?" the girl replies, confused.

"Give them to us," I say, using Concilium.  They reach into a bag in the back of their car and hand me two swimsuits.  "Forget this ever happened."

I turn to Michael and he raises a brow.  "Stealing swimsuits from two teenagers?" he questions.

"So?  They were clearly planning on spending all afternoon canoodling in their car."

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