Part 33 - Voodoo

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I fly forward in the bathtub at the same time as Michael. We stare at each other, panting, as the witches let out a sigh of relief.

"How did you do that?" I ask Michael, out of breath.

"We can share powers at heightened times of emotion," he explains breathlessly.

I wipe the blood running from my nose as Cordelia directs our attention to her. "Now that we have everyone back in the present time, we have a lot of explaining to do. I saw a lot of things while I was in the future, and I'm sure that Esmeray and Michael have as well."

"We need to get a meeting with Papa Legba. Now," I state as I pull myself out of the bathtub.

"No," Cordelia shakes her head. "We need to regroup, explain everything that happened to all of the girls first."

"My dear," Myrtle speaks up as she helps me step out of the bathtub, "You couldn't possibly meet up with a divine entity in your current state. Just look at how dirty and torn your clothes are. We can't have Papa Legba thinking that we're raising a bunch of delinquents here."

"Cordelia," I continue, ignoring Myrtle. "We need to meet with him to get Marie Laveau back. When we were in the future, she told us about how we could bring her back. You saw the whole conversation in the vision I sent you."

"We can do that after we talk to the rest of the girls," Cordelia insists, refusing to back down.

"Marie Laveau?" Mallory asks, diverting the whole room's attention to her.

"The old Voodoo Queen," Queenie explains quickly. "She had a deal with Papa Legba to have immortality, but she broke the deal unintentionally and he sent her to hell."

"Not only was it unintentional, but it was this immortal racist's fault," I add on.

"Girls," Cordelia interrupts. "We will go over all of this with the rest of the girls during our group meeting. For now, we should all go shower and get ourselves cleaned up. Myrtle is right; we can't call for a meeting with Papa Legba in our current state."

"But-" I start as Michael grabs my arm. He gives me a look that tells me to not push it, so I sigh and let it go. "Fine. Everyone get out of the bathroom so I can shower."


"Wait, so this Marie Laveau taught you voodoo?" Coco asks from her spot on the couch.

I sigh as I throw my freshly-washed hair behind my shoulder. "Yes, I spent some time learning from her during my second year at the academy."

"Was that where you always disappeared to in the afternoons?" Madison asks.

I roll my eyes. "Did you really not know this?" I ask.

She scoffs. "Come on, Esmeray; you know I don't pay attention to anybody but myself."

I chuckle as I turn back to the topic. "The point is, we have to call a meeting with Papa Legba to negotiate Marie's return from hell."

"Why can't we just work with the current Voodoo Queen, Dinah Stevens?" Zoe asks.

"Please, that bitch would switch up on us the second Satan offered her something as simple as a talk show," Madison scoffs.

I chuckle. "Although Madison's joking, she's right; Dinah Stevens is a liability. We'd benefit much more by having a reliable Voodoo Queen like Marie Laveau in charge."

"How do we get a meeting with Papa Legba?" Madison asks as she crosses her arms.

I motion to Queenie. "Queenie knows how."

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