Chapter Twenty One | The Red Woods (Part Three)

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I had no such control.

I felt as though I was having an outer body experience, my spirit ripping through my sleeping body. I could hear a faint whisper drawling in my eardrums, but I had no way of making it out. I sped off through the closed bedroom door as though I was a ghost. I wasn't able to move myself as I flew down the stairs and out the inn, through the empty dark streets.

It was night, stars coating the skies and gave little light to the small town. I felt like I was going a hundred miles per hour, skidding past buildings and alleyways until I flew across a grassy landscape towards The infamous Red Woods.

The trees were tall and white, their autumn leaves falling around me. I spun around trees and certain directions.


The voice got louder as I passed a couple miles down deep into the dark woods and a fog cascaded across the  dirt below me. I started to slow towards a empty field that was a mile wide. I spotted a wooden pole, scorched black from a previous fire and noticed a translucent human figure before it.

It was a young woman with her back to me, her light hair pinned behind her head and she wore a flowing white dress, whipping through the wind.

She kept faced towards the pole which was a foot higher than her.

"Who are you?" I asked, but she didn't seem to budge. "Hey!" I raised my voice. I felt control over my body as I felt my bare feet graze the grass and dirt under me. I was a few feet from her and I took each step with caution. "Can you hear me?" I shouted out, inching closer.

I heard a sudden gasp from her, quiet whimpers, but she didn't move a muscle. She stood straight, keeping her body an inch from the pole. I felt the goosebumps on my skin quiver and my hairs were on a standstill.

"What do you want from me?" I slowly whispered as a plea and hesitantly reached my hand out to her, my fingers barely touching her shoulder.

Her head turned to my touch and I pulled away instantly, holding my hands to my chest. Her hair in the front was loose and covered most of her face. Her lips were a pale white and faded to red, her translucent gray body taking color.

A single tear rolled down her cheek as she took a shakey breath.

"Find me." She whispered.

Just then, the wind picked up and I stumbled back with fright. A fire broke out from nowhere, consuming the girl. I threw my arms up to protect my face as I looked away, blinded by the heat. I fell back, onto the dirt ground, which sucked me in like quick sand.


Face plant.

I struggled off the floor, pushing myself up. The fall woke me, knowing that I rolled out of bed and smacked my forehead straight into the floor. "Argh," I grunted, sitting up and rubbing my forehead. I looked around to notice the sun shining through the window.

It's morning. I looked down at my hands And noticed I was shaking mad. That dream..? The heat from that fire felt so real, I could've burned. I patted against my chest and noticed I was still wearing the heirloom around my neck. I winced in pain as I felt it getting hot like coals. I quickly fumbled with the chain and tossed the necklace onto the bed. I was breathing heavily as I rubbed my chest from the sting.

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