Chapter Twenty Seven | Unwanted Surprise

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I woke up with a pounding headache.

After Severus left that night and didn't come back at all, I drank my way through a bottle of wine and talked to House Elves all that evening.

My eyes fluttered open to a bright beam of light. I shielded my face in instinct and had my eyes focus to examine where I was. I was on a table. I threw myself up with a start and grasped my temples in agony of the headache I have. Taking in the sights, I was on top of a table inside the school kitchens. I looked around to notice bustling house elves, cooking and throwing food around to each other. "Oh, ma'am! You're awake!" Squeaked a random house elf excitedly, "we has the most fun with you, ma'am! Dizzy's still ranting abou' how you caught the turkey roast on fire!"

"What?" I blurted out, pulling my fizzed my hair back. I don't remember a thing!

"Well, you has a lot of mead, ma'am," said the house elf sheepishly. "What am I doing here though?" I asked as I kicked my legs over the table. I was still in my dress which was gathered with food stains. I groaned and hoped it would wash out. Another little house elf came to me and held up a bundle of clothes. "We took the liberty of bringing you some clothes, ma'am!" Said the house elf with a little smile and I smiled gratefully. "Thank you," I whispered and took the clothes.

"Ahem." I heard a girl clear her throat.

I looked up abruptly to notice Hermione Granger, holding a pile of knitted scarves and mittens with a confused look on her face. I blushed madly and jumped off the table. "Oh! Erm..." I muttered, "Hello, Hermione! Er-- oh, I look so unprofessional--"

"Well, it is Christmas break, so I suppose it's okay," said Hermione with an amused smile. "What're you doing with those?" I asked curiously as I pointed at the clothes she had.

"Oh! Er, I was hoping the house elves weren't too cold--" she said flustered, "But, they refused to take them!"

I gave a small chuckle and replied, "Yeah, I reckon that'd be hard to convince. Well, I should really dress up and go--"

"I'll wait for you, if you want! I was going to head to my common room." Hermione smiled and I nodded kindly.

I dressed in a broom cupboard in the kitchens. The house elves were nice to bring me a pair of my jeans and white blouse. They said I caught a turkey on fire, did I use my magic or a torch? Either way, I must've been really hammered, to be honest. After Severus left, I couldn't stop myself with the wine, my nerves had the best of me. The headache was excruciating to begin with and I regret this deeply.

As I walked out, Hermione left the clothes on an empty end table hoping the house elves would accept their freedom and escorted me through the large portrait.

"My goodness," I laughed as I twiddled with my hair as we walked down the hall and held my dress neatly folded in the other, "This is embarrassing!"

"It's quite alright," Hermione said smiling, "This one time my mum had too much wine at a dinner party and danced on the couch! It was funny, honestly."

"I didn't do any damage to Horace's party, did I?" I asked worriedly, but she shook her head.

"No, the house elves ended up taking you somewhere. No one looked at it as a bad thing. At least I know where."

"Oh, thank goodness."

"May... I ask you something... Personally, Amelia?"

"Of course, what's on your mind?" Hermione looked to the floor worriedly and then back to me.

"Well... While I was hiding from MacLaggen-- I mean-- looking for MacLaggen... I sort of... Well... Seen you kiss Professor Snape... Erm..."

I blushed and she continued, "Are you two a couple?"

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