Chapter Nine | Heirloom

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"Gringotts?" I questioned, eyeing Dumbledore questionably. Snape, Dumbledore and I sat in the living room, accompanied with tea and cookies. "A dear friend of mine and goblin, Fiero has informed me that they wanted to speak with you. He said you should come down to Diagon Alley and meet with him."

I gave Dumbledore a puzzled look and glanced at Snape. He had the same curiosity as I had. "Well, when should we go?" I asked and Dumbledore gave me a small smile and said, "We could go now, if you don't have much else to do for the day. I can personally escort you there myself. Severus," he faced Snape and Snape straightened his posture, "Please finish up the last of those potions Poppy asked of you and Amelia and I will see you later today. Shall we?" Dumbledore stood up and ushered me to follow. I did willingly, following the old wizard after I said my goodbyes to Snape. Snape stood up and nodded curtly, walking to the entrance door and opening it.

I didn't know why I had to go to Gringotts, maybe it had to do with money issues my Nana was suffering. I gave the thought of shutter wondering if it was about Nana's death, knowing she was killed next to the bank. Dumbledore apparated us both there, landing just across the street. The street was a bit dead; only a few wizards walked amongst themselves. It was kind of eery, maybe because of the sudden kidnapping and murders running a muck.

As we crossed the empty street, my attention caught the dark alleyway where my Nana was murdered. I could feel the tears welding in my eyes, but I held them in.

"So, how has your stay with Severus been lately, Amelia?"

"Pleasant," I replied reassuring him with a smile.

"He isn't too much of a handful, is he?"

I couldn't help but giggle at that remark. "Don't you mean me, sir? I'm the one living there, using his things, eating his food..."

"Well, Severus could be a bit... How do you say, scrimpy?"

"Scrimpy? Such a silly word. He's fine, Mr. Dumbledore. He actually had me help him with those draughts for the school."

"You must be exceptional in potions then, aren't you? Severus did tell me you are helping him and said you are very skillful. And coming from him, you must be great."

I blushed. The Potions Master said that I, a mere squib, is skillful. I took that compliment to my heart.

We made our way through the long hall of goblins scratching their quills on paper and made our way to the front desk, where sat a very old goblin looking down at us over his tall bench. "I am Albus Dumbledore." Dumbledore spoke, "I am here to see Fiero, please. I have an appointment with him."

As Dumbledore did his small exchanges with the ancient goblin, the goblin sent out another one of his kind to fetch Fiero. Soon after, Fiero walked through the large archway beside the bench. He looked much older than the first goblin, white hair coming out of his ears. He wore black and white robes and his nose seemed much larger than his scaley sharp fingers. He sort of had a limp to his steps and Dumbledore bent down to shake his hand.

"Albus," greeted Fiero who had a raspy hissing tone, "It has been too long. You," he faced me, "Must be Amelia Copperstone. Your father is a big investor here in our bank." I blushed and nodded. The mention ofy father though made me cringe. "Hello, Mr. Fiero. It is nice to meet you," I greeted, bending over to shale his hand.

"What is it that you wanted us here for?" Dumbledore asked as we headed down these round small hallways made of rock.

"Soon after Gwenyth Pensky passed away, it was documented that Amelia was the heir to pass on her riches."

"Riches?" I questioned doubtly, "My Nana had no riches. I mean, we both lived of poverty. Each day was a struggle. She told me herself she was coming down here to settle some debt and recover our rent."

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