Chapter Two | Leap of Faith

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It was turning to be six o' clock and I parked my piece of junk in the back parking lot. I tied my apron belt around my waist and propped some potions in my apron's pocket; the Garroting Gas, two Explosions, and a blood replenishing potion.  I hid my satchel underneath the seat of my car and rushed into the backdoor of the pub.

It was emptier than I had ever seen it. Only three older men sat in the back of the rooms, drinking a pint of beer amongst themselves and two men sat beside each other at the bar. I walked behind and bar and saw Mr. Grook wiping beer glasses with a clean rag.

"Aye, Amelia. Took you long enough. You're two minutes late." He grunted. He was in his forties, his black hair graying in the corners of his head, also balding. He wore a thick bushy black beard with his matching mustache. He was over weight, wearing a tight apron.

"Sorry," I said knowing that pocketing my self defence, I lost the track of time, "besides! Two minutes... I don't think you've been backed up much." He looked around the empty pub and softly chuckled.

"Yes... Well..."

I noticed beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he stuttered, "horrid times, y' know? What ever is out there, it's -- it's coming."

I gave him a skeptical look. "Mr. Grook. Are you okay?"

He put the glass down on the counter and wiped his sweat on the rag before tossing it under the counter and snapped without looking at me, "hard times, didn't I say that, girl?! Look, is alright, ye' hear? Now, stay here." He passed me by and walked into the kitchens.

"Wait, Mr. Grook, is it possible," I stopped him as he tried to rush pass me, "I know it's a bad time and all... But, aside of the current situation, is it... Well, I've asked you before, but..."

His expression softened and his face filled with solace, "yes... You can have those extra days. Er-- we'll discuss them after work, ye?"

I straightened up with a smile, "yes! Oh, thank you, Mr. Grook!"

He gave me a wary smile before he retreated into the kitchens. I couldn't help, but smile. Extra days. That will certainly put Nana and I.

"Strange, isn't he?" Questioned the old man at the bar drinking a whole pint to himself, "isn't like him to be so... Flustered."

"Hard times, Mr. Stanford." I told him, "everyone is on edge."

"The only thing that man cares is money," he hiccupped, "not what politics is doing."

"This feels like more than politics," said a younger gentleman by him, "this is another world war. Its happening not only the U.K., the the Asian countries and the United States."

"Mr. Grook is fine. And besides," I said, "I got my hours. Now I don't got to struggle." I grinned and the men raised their glasses, "here, here" and took a long gulp.

The bell from the entrance door jingled and a old man in nice clean day suit walked in with a long smile trailing him. "Hello, Amelia! Where is Gerard? I must talk to him, business, you know."

"No problem." I smiled and called out, "Mr. Grook? James Summers is out here."

No response.

"Mr. Grook!"

We heard a small rustling in the kitchen and a second later, Mr. Grook popped out, hiding behind the frame of the door. "What?" He stammered, looking sweatier than ever.

"Erm... Mr. Grook?" I asked.

He looked around, flustered in the face and cleared his throat. "I can't talk right now, James."

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