Chapter Thirty Eight | The End And The Beginning

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I opened my eyes and saw complete white. It was almost blinding, but small red leaves started to fall in view, one landing in my lap. I looked down, noticing the same white gown I wore in my dream, my hair pinned up in curls as I found myself sitting on the white bench. It didn't feel like a dream, it was all too real. I grazed my fingers against the smooth leaf as I dropped it lightly out of my hands, having it float to the white flat ground beneath me. I looked up to see Cordelia sitting beside me like before, her light blonde hair pinned up in curls like mine and wearing a white gown as well.

She faced me, giving me a calm smile. "Where am I?" I asked quietly, my voice echoing through the air, "My Mum... Is she okay?"

"She is well." Cordelia spoke, laying her hands over mine, "She is, as we speak, sleeping soundly in the Hospital Wing, being well taken care of."

"How do you know that?" I breathed out. Cordelia kept her smile and stood up, gently pulling at my hands. I stood up, following Cordelia as she slowly led me away from the bench into the white abyss. "I have always been there for you." said Cordelia, "Since your mother had the heirloom when she was a small child and since you first put the necklace on. My spirit has been attached, like a curse to that jewel for over a century. It was my magic that's been bestowed into you, my love."

"I know that much, I guess..." I shrugged, "Where am I now?"

"Where I've been trapped since I've died. I was never able to leave the Red Woods. For all my after life, I had to reminisce in the horrid memories of the night the townspeople killed off my family and I. A part of my soul inhabited the heirloom, making sure to keep our ancient magic alive."

"So," I asked holding up the drapes of my dress to avoid tripping over it, "Am I dead?"

Cordelia stopped and chuckled, "You don't seem very afraid the fact that you could be dead right now."

"Well, I was really hoping you'd say no." I mumbled sheepishly.

"No, you are not dead."

"Then... Why am I really here? What happened? I broke the heirloom."

"All you did was released your true power. Like I said, I was trapped for over a century. No one has ever reopened our magic until you did. My magic is strong and with that, you helped open a new door for me. A door for me to be free."

"So, great. I released you. Now, you can move on." I smiled, but it quickly faded away, "But, what about me?"

Cordelia tilted her head and fiddled with my white gown, straightening out the torso and fixing the cloth that draped over my shoulders. "Yes, well... This gown is worn by every young witch in our family line when they come forth and dedicate themselves as a Supremus. I feel that it is your time to follow in our footsteps and become much more than a silly little squib."

My jaw dropped subconsciously and I sputtered, "What? What do you mean?"

"I didn't really make that out to be a riddle, Amelia," she laughed, "I am telling you now. You are a Supremus. You are the last of our line. Your mother couldn't possess the magic because of her mere simple witchery preventing her to. But, you as a squib, there was plenty of room for improvement. Maybe it was right for you to be born without magic. Maybe it was meant to be. Amelia, I want you to wake up. And, I want you to fight for what is right and what belongs to you."

"But, will I ever see you again?" I asked eagerly, "Are you really leaving forever?"

"We'll see each other again." she shrugged with a smile. I smiled back, I never seen Cordelia so happy.

"Now..." she cooed and laid her palm against my forehead, "Be safe. Wake up."

* * * * *

I felt the warmth of clean bed sheets. I slowly opened my eyes, smelling a sweet aroma of draughts beside me. My view was pitch black, until it washed away and I was able to see Madam Pomfrey standing over me in complete shock. "Your eyes..." she stammered, but shook her head, "Never mind." I took a deep breath and felt energy surge through me. I sat upright, noticing the hospital robes I was in, looking around to find myself in the Hospital Wing. The room was occupied with the staff, but kept to themselves in the corner, talking with one another. "Charity!" I cried out, seeing my best friend in a bed beside me, with bandages wrapped around her head and another around her wrist.

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