Chapter Seven | To Trust a Narcissist

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Its been a few days since I've lived here. And quite frankly, it was boring. I've been so tedious, sitting in my room, gazing into the ceiling. Mr. Snape was good to me; he left me with kitchen duty and that didn't bother me. I love cooking as much as my potions making. But, I did miss that.

He also let me browse his bookcases full of books, from basic spells to combat spells, ingredient description to advance potion making, from the Dark Arts to how to defend against it.

But, today on this bright summer day, I laid in my bed in my sleep wear, with my legs crossed and my hands behind my head, contemplating my own existence. Reading those books longed for me to possess magic. I remembered the days when my mother use to read to me. How she would school me on magic. It was so long ago, when I was only eight.

Did they know that I was in danger? That I'm hiding? That Nana was gone? Did they care? I felt my tears again. I shuffled to my side and pulled open the end table drawer. I snagged the handkerchief that laid folded neatly in the drawer and held it against my chest. I took a small corner of it and wiped a single tear that escaped my eye. I caressed the silk and cotton until my fingers trailed on a trimming. I furrowed my eyebrows and lifted the hanky above my face, noticing a small trimming of the initials S. Snape.

I smirked as I thought a man that had the face of no tears would need a handkerchief. None the less, his name embrodded into it.

I stood from my bed, undressing and picked out a short summer dress, white and small pink flowers patterns and its vines. I grabbed a pair of low heel white shoes. I sat at the desk, where my make up and comb were. I applied a small streak of eyeliner and a rosy pink blush. I had a lighter pink lipstick on and started on my hair. I pulled my hair to the side and started braiding, tying it at the end.

I looked long in the mirror and thought to myself what was the exact point of dolling up if I could never go out? I guess I missed feeling worth something, taking time in front of the mirror. I straightened out my dress.

I walked out the room, my heels slowly clapping against the wood floors. I heard familiar voices at the end of the hall and I stopped.

"Severus, how did it go?" I heard Dumbledore speak.

"The plan has work scarcely. Miss Copperstone is safe for now, but for how long--"

"Lower your temper, Severus, we have company."

Dumbledore appeared from the corner of the living room, giving me a warm smile.

"Hello, Amelia. God, you look very ravishing."

I noticed I was holding my breath. I let out a long sigh and said, "Yes, well... Can't look like an old rag everyday." I walked out of the shadows and spotted Snape standing from his armchair wearing a simple black long sleeve shirt button up but leaving the last two undone. He wore black slacks and some black tied shoes. He looked a bit flustered, until he laid his eyes on me and his expression calmed. It was a bit awkward to be honest. He gave me a stare for a little while until I looked away blushing wildly.

I cleared my throat and said, "What are you doing, sir?"

"Severus and I were just discussing of your safety. It appears that the snatchers have no interest in you. You will be safe, for now." He pointed out, "So, it will be in your best interest to stay with in Severus' care and hospitality."

"But, I can leave." I said, taking a seat at the couch, Severus sat back in his armchair and Dumbledore stayed standing. Dumbledore kept his posture and nodded with a smile.

Where would I go? I could always go back to my apartment, but knowing my job, The Black Boar, it was destroyed along with its dead owner. But, Dumbledore didn't say that I would be safe forever, and I have no family to stay with. But, its not possible. I'm no one's burden and want to keep it that way.

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