Chapter Thirty Seven | They Own The Night

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Author's Note

So, this one took me a while, but I did it. Since the beginning, this wasn't the original ending I was going for, but I am glad of how it turned out. So, that is why it took me quite a while to write it. But, I will let you know is that the next chapter is THE final chapter to this first book and I am greatly appreciated that you all stuck by me reading this. :) Now, off to the story!

* * * * *

We laid there quietly, laying on our sides as I scanned Severus's face. The bed sheets hid our bare bodies as the room was dark as the night sky.

"Amelia, about earlier today," Severus said, but I shook my head.

"It's fine. I understand now. But, I don't want you to leave. I want you here by me, Severus... I love you." I whispered.

Severus brushed his hand over mine and said, "I will never stop caring for you and loving you even if we're far, far away from each other."

"Promise me then? That you'll never forget to come back? That you'll come find me if I'm lost?" I said, my voice almost cracking.


* * * * *

That was the last thing he told me before I drifted into a deep slumber.

The startling screams and shouts outside the bedroom woke me up in a start. I pushed myself up from bed, my eyes widened as I threw off the sheets, feeling the ice cold dungeon air against my bare skin. I turned to my side and Severus was gone. Where di he go? I kicked my feet over the bed and looked for my clothes. As I slipped on my clothes and shoes, I walked frantically to the door and swung it open.

Slytherin students scattered around, obviously not noticing me in my pajamas walking out of their Head of House's chambers, shouting and exclaiming randomly as their Headboy and girl and prefects argued to keep them in line. Riots were being made and I had no idea what to do. Where was Severus? The staff? I skipped down the hall to his office which was surprisingly opened. I pushed the door in fully and was aghasted to find Hermione and Miss Lovegood over Filius's body.

"What the bloody hell happened here?" I shouted, taking a wary step back, my eyes gazing to Filius's body. "Professor Flitwick— He's fainted!" Hermione exclaimed, laying Filius's head against her lap. "How did this happen?" I asked, feeling a rush of relief as I bent down to feel his sweaty forehead. "Death Eaters," Miss Lovegood said, "They've found a way into the castle."

"What?" I blurted out, flabbergasted.

"Professor Flitwick ran in here for Professor Snape— But, then Professor Snape said he fainted and he-he left!" Hermione stammered. "Where did he go?" I asked, standing up, "Hermione? Where?"

"I-I don't know!"

"What's going on here? What do you know?" I asked sternly.

Hermione took a deep breath, but glanced at Luna for help. "We don't exactly know how Death Eaters got here," Miss Lovegood said, "But, what we do know is that Malfoy is the cause of it. We stood by Professor Snape's office to make sure he wouldn't leave—"

"Why would you be keeping watch?"

"Because Harry said so." I gave them both an uncertain look and stood up. "I'm going to find the staff and protect the kids. I want you both to stay here with Professor Flitwick and keep this door locked, do you understand? Don't open it until I come back!" I walked out the door and shut it close. I lifted my hand and swirled it until I heard the door click and locked. I ran up the dungeon halls.

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